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Showing 2065 results for "detailspages press release details 5th circuit upholds texas law protecting women from cut run abortionists"
  • Court says Jack Phillips of Masterpiece Cakeshop can proceed with case spawned by state commission’s hostility
  • ADF attorneys represent Turning Point USA chapter organizers in challenge to policy that restricts expression to 1% of campus
  • ADF attorneys represent Turning Point USA chapter organizers
  • Missouri State University student majoring in social work was forced to testify before “ethics” committee to defend her beliefs
  • The following quote may be attributed to Alliance Defending Freedom President and CEO Michael Farris regarding the violence at the U.S. Capitol Wednesday: “The violent actions at the U.S. Capitol must stop. Alliance Defending Freedom categorically condemns them. Over the last year, we’ve witnessed lawlessness on the left and now the right. Violence is never the answer, nor can it result in a durable, peaceful, and freedom-loving nation. America is not defeated by one election. America is defeated when we stop believing in and following our constitutional system. We still believe in America.” ...
  • The following quote may be attributed to Alliance Defending Freedom Senior Legal Counsel Dale Schowengerdt regarding the answer Alliance Defending Freedom attorneys filed Monday to the ACLU lawsuit filed against Washington florist Barronelle Stutzman in Ingersoll v. Arlene’s Flowers: “Numerous florists are willing to assist in same-sex ceremonies, so the ACLU has no reason to try to force this florist to violate her deeply held beliefs. Arlene’s Flowers has both served and employed people who identify as homosexual. Barronelle Stutzman’s only desire is that she not be forced to violate her ...
  • The following quote may be attributed to Alliance Defending Freedom Litigation Counsel Catherine Glenn Foster regarding the Obama administration’s decision to drop its opposition to a judge’s order in Tummino v. Hamburg that makes the Plan B abortion-inducing drug available over the counter to young girls without a prescription and without parental notice or consent: “The lives and health of young girls should be more important than the bottom line of those who sell abortion-inducing drugs. President Obama has yet again sided with Planned Parenthood, his favorite political ally and the single ...
  • The following quote may be attributed to Alliance Defending Freedom Senior Counsel Ryan Tucker.
  • ADF letter explains student can’t be singled out for expressing his beliefs
  • The following quote may be attributed to Alliance Defending Freedom Senior Counsel and Director of the ADF Center for Christian Ministries Ryan Tucker regarding the U.S. Supreme Court’s decision Friday to deny interim relief in South Bay United Pentecostal Church v. Newsom: “The Supreme Court’s opinion is procedural in nature, narrow in scope. The court simply chose not to grant temporary relief on an emergency motion. Religious freedom means more than treating churches like secular businesses. The church in this case—and, indeed, the vast majority of churches—agreed to abide by the same ...