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Showing 753 results for "News PRDetail 4735"
  • ADF represents satire website Babylon Bee in friend-of-the-court brief challenging New York censorship law at 2nd Circuit
  • Appellate court rules that La. cannot be forced to issue a birth certificate to two NY men who adopted child born in La.
  • NY school district treats girl as boy behind mother's back
  • Across the U.S., faith-based adoption providers are being threatened because of their religious beliefs. So this case went to the Supreme Court.
  • The Supreme Court upheld two state bans on assisted suicide.
  • Gov. Paterson’s mandate orders state agencies to honor out-of-state same-sex ‘marriages’ in violation of state law
  • Cathy DeCarlo was forced to assist a late term abortion against her religious beliefs, and against the law.
  • Christian doctors sue New Mexico over forced participation in assisted suicide
  • New Mexico punished a Christian photographer for declining to create photographs telling the story of a same-sex commitment ceremony
  • Town sued for allowing private citizens to erect numerous historical monuments, including a Ten Commandments monument, on City Hall lawn..