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Showing 36 results for "detailspages blog details allianceedge 2016 09 08 TheAmericanConservative com"
  • Track athletes Selina Soule, Chelsea Mitchell, and Alanna Smith are taking a stand against harmful policies that allow male athletes to compete against women.
  • Two days a week, five hours per day, for the last 14 years, Eleanor McCullen has stood on the sidewalk outside a Boston Planned Parenthood facility trying to persuade mothers not to abort their babies.
  • Dirk and Petra Wunderlich had just settled their children in for the first homeschool lesson of the year. Suddenly, with no warning, the full force of the German government showed up to take their children away.
  • Christian filmmakers seek the freedom to create art consistent with their faith.
  • Professor pressured to refer to a male student as a woman.
  • Third-grader Lydia Booth was forced to remove her “Jesus Loves Me” mask, violating her free speech. Here’s how you can help.