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Showing 47 results for "News PRDetail 8700"
  • We unite attorneys, ministry leaders, and organizations to protect out right to live out the Gospel by defending religious freedom and freedom of speech.
  • Promote Our National Motto Every Time You Drive
  • ADF Ministry Alliance is a religious liberty legal membership that helps prepare and protect your ministry to the greatest extent possible
  • Looking to make a difference at a Christian non-profit? Explore career opportunities at Alliance Defending Freedom.
  • All Americans are entitled to the promises of the Constituiton. Stop government officials from dismantling those freedoms. Your freedom matters!
  • Alliance Defending Freedom works alongside millions of other pro-life Americans to ensure that life is protected. Life is a human right, and it must be safeguarded.
  • Alliance Defending Freedom has trained more than 2,400 law students from more than 225 law schools. Blackstone Legal Fellowship is just the beginning.
  • Across America, government officials are getting bolder. Some are working to restrict your religious freedom, silence your speech, and crush your conscience. Here's what you can do.