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Showing 206 results for "detailspages faith justice details stage fright"
  • Hello friends. As we step into 2024, I want to let you know how thankful I am for you and your support. 2023 was a turbulent year for Americans, with continued threats to our God-given right to live and speak the Truth, plus a challenging economy and deep instability around the world. In our cultural moment, speaking and acting truthfully—with love—is vital. You chose to stand with Alliance Defending Freedom in your end-of-year giving. From our entire team, thank you. We know that none of our victories—not a single one—are possible apart from the grace of God and the support of Ministry ...
  • Hi, I’m Ali Kilmartin, Senior Counsel and Vice President of Allied Legal Affairs at Alliance Defending Freedom, here to tell you about ADF’s Grants and Funding Program, which connects people like you with over 4,500 network attorneys who are dedicated to protecting the freedom of American families and ministries from overreaching governments. ADF’s attorneys—as amazing as they are—can’t cover every threat to freedom. But that’s the beauty of the Alliance—we rely on like-minded Allied Attorneys and Blackstone Fellows who donate their time to handle legal matters that are close to our heart and ...
  • … accommodation for Peter. And there was no respect for his faith or convictions. He lost his job—a job that he loved and …
  • Your gift will help protect parents’ rights and stop discrimination against children!
  • Alliance Defending Freedom attorneys are defending the National Institute of Family and Life Advocates (NIFLA) and two pregnancy centers challenging Vermont state officials for unconstitutionally restricting the centers’ speech and provision of services. But pregnancy resource centers across the state of Vermont—those like Branches—find themselves stifled after the state passed a law impeding the ability of pro-life pregnancy centers to continue providing help and support to Vermont women and families. The law censors the centers’ ability to advertise their services. It also impedes their ...
  • Coercing Lorie to express what she does not believe is downright unconstitutional. With assistance from the attorneys at Alliance Defending Freedom, Lorie has taken her case to the Supreme Court, where she is standing to set a firm precedent for the free-speech rights of every American. She’ll stand against both the State of Colorado and the Biden administration, both of whom are fighting to deny her the right to speak freely. This type of government coercion can affect anyone—including you and your family. Please sign your name below to stand with Lorie and her family—and for free speech ...
  • The Biden administration is taking away lunch money from low-income kids who attend Christian schools like Dayspring Christian Learning Center in El Cajon, CA. Why? Because their school doesn’t agree with the government’s radical gender ideology. Tell the administration to stop using kids and their lunches as leverage to FORCE Christian schools to abandon their beliefs. Schools like Dayspring are being targeted by federal and state officials. This is wrong. Christian students and their schools shouldn’t be forced to give up critical lunch funding to follow their beliefs. Sign your name and ...
  • Despite all the good that pro-life pregnancy care centers like Branches Pregnancy Resource Center do for their community, the State of Vermont has targeted them with a new law. Government officials want to silence their voice and strip them of their ability to serve moms and babies. Why? Because they aren’t on board with the state’s radical abortion agenda. That’s wrong. And it’s unconstitutional. We’re standing with these pregnancy care centers in Vermont in a new lawsuit to protect their right to live and speak the truth. The state should be encouraging more organizations to serve vulnerable ...
  • The cruelty against Jack Phillips continues. Will you pray for him? You know his story: Jack is the cake artist from Colorado who serves all people but could not—and cannot—create a custom cake that expresses a message he does not believe. For Jack and so many other Christian artists, it’s never about the who. It’s always about what message they’re being asked to communicate. He cannot express every message asked of him. And because our nation’s Constitution protects free speech, he doesn’t have to. After ten years, and despite two victories, he’s still being targeted by activists who want to ...
  • Alliance Defending Freedom was proud to serve on the Mississippi legal team that overturned Roe. Now we’re taking the next crucial steps to advance the cause of freedom, including: Protecting the conscience rights of Americans like Minnesota pharmacist George Badeaux, who was sued because he can’t dispense a drug that may cause an abortion. George is a Christian who believes that an embryo is a new human life—he shouldn’t be forced to violate his beliefs in the workplace. Defending the right of states to enforce life-affirming laws. We’re assisting the Idaho Attorney General’s Office in ...