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Showing 40 results for "detailspages biography details william pew"
  • We want you to be ready to have impactful conversations with friends and family—ready to dispel common myths and help defend the rights of the unborn!
  • Counselors are increasingly coming under threat from local, state, and federal laws and policies that seek to insert the government’s preferred views on gender into private conversations between a counselor and clients who are minors. Counselors are facing the prospect of making a choice no American should ever have to make: speak the truth to clients knowing they might face devastating consequences, or abandon their faith in order to speak only government-approved values and perspectives. The government has no business censoring conversations between clients and counselors, and Alliance ...
  • Former Atlanta Fire Chief Kelvin Cochran knows what it means to face the fire—both literal flames and the rising tide of threats to freedom of speech and religious liberty. Despite his sterling credentials—Cochran once held the nation’s highest firefighting role as U.S. Fire Administrator for the United States Fire Administration—he was fired from his position as Atlanta’s fire chief. Why? Because the government didn’t approve of his message about biblical marriage and sexuality that he included in a brief passage in a self-published book he wrote. We stood with Chief Cochran, and after years ...
  • Now there’s no doubt. Detailed information released by the U.S. House Select Subcommittee on the Weaponization of the Federal Government makes plain that the Biden administration has been partnering with major banks and payment processors to censor non-profit ministries and threaten the freedom of everyday Americans. And now, the subcommittee has revealed that the government has targeted Alliance Defending Freedom. We’ve been unlawfully swept up in the federal government’s “domestic terrorist” dragnet. While ADF was advocating on behalf of the freedom of EVERY American to live according to ...
  • Radical gender activism continues to make alarming inroads into mainstream medicine. While the medical field exists to promote health and human flourishing, far too many no longer adhere to the concept of “do no harm.” Instead, they promote harmful “gender affirming care,” which denies biological reality, and they push harmful cross-sex hormones and dangerous surgeries which permanently alter children’s bodies. Children cannot consent to drugs and surgeries that catastrophically and permanently harm their bodies. Alabama wants to protect minors from destructive and unnecessary medical ...
  • Could a church or a ministry near you be in danger of losing access to its financial accounts? For this Memphis-based church and ministry, it happened so abruptly. Without warning or explanation, Bank of America sent a letter to Indigenous Advance Ministries to notify them that its accounts were being closed. The ministry provides aid to impoverished orphans, widows, youth, and other at-risk populations in Uganda. The bank also targeted Servants of Christ church, which partners with the ministry. Bank of America told them they had 30 days to find a new bank and switch, and just a few weeks ...
  • Make no mistake: New York’s new censorship law targets constitutionally protected speech on social media networks. But this attack on free speech is nothing new. We’ve seen countless forms of censorship from government officials, social media platforms, and even financial institutions. But now, satirical websites like The Babylon Bee must face humorless state officials depriving them of their First Amendment freedoms. At ADF, we believe that all Americans are free to peacefully express their point of view, and that includes humor and sarcasm. Further, we believe that our freedoms don’t hinge ...
  • Despite all the good that pro-life pregnancy care centers like Branches Pregnancy Resource Center do for their community, the State of Vermont has targeted them with a new law. Government officials want to silence their voice and strip them of their ability to serve moms and babies. Why? Because they aren’t on board with the state’s radical abortion agenda. That’s wrong. And it’s unconstitutional. We’re standing with these pregnancy care centers in Vermont in a new lawsuit to protect their right to live and speak the truth. The state should be encouraging more organizations to serve vulnerable ...
  • The Biden administration is using social media companies to shut down voices and messages they disagree with—and they have been caught red-handed. We’re standing with Americans, supporting a new lawsuit that challenges this government overreach. But what do you think? Take our survey and let your voice be heard!
  • Ronald Reagan once said, Freedom … is never more than one generation away from extinction. We are seeing that truth play out before our very eyes. Today, activists and government officials are increasingly misusing the levers of law and policy — at the local, state, federal, and even international levels — to impose a new orthodoxy. This new orthodoxy threatens to silence, punish, and even ruin those who seek to speak and live consistent with the fact that … … life begins at conception. … God designed marriage to be between one man and one woman. … God made men and women equal, but different. ...