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Showing 281 results for "detailspages blog details allianceedge 2017 10 18 gender identity churches male female he created them"
  • We need your help! Speak up and support this first-of-its-kind lawsuit challenging the FDA’s reckless approval of harmful chemical abortion drugs. The Biden administration’s FDA even recently updated the rules to make the two chemical abortion drugs even more widely available. When you sign the pledge below and affirm your support to hold the FDA accountable, you’ll immediately get access to an exclusive copy of “Debunking the Abortion Lobby’s Top 5 Lies,” a helpful resource that you can share with friends and family. Thank you for standing with us to protect women and girls from the FDA’s ...
  • Free speech is under attack in America. Students from elementary school to graduate school are silenced for expressing their beliefs. Christian counselors are told what they can and can’t discuss with their clients. Governments are using their power to censor views they disagree with. Those are not the values our country was founded upon. Free speech is only “free” if we can say what we believe—without fear of government punishment. Sign the national “I Support Free Speech” pledge today! We need your voice to help send a message that restoring a culture that encourages and fosters free speech ...
  • The threats to religious freedom are clear and present. But Alliance Defending Freedom, by God’s grace and with your support, is standing up and facing the challenges in courtrooms and legislatures across the country. We’ve been defending religious freedom for over document.write(new Date().getFullYear() - 1994); years, and with 15 victories at the Supreme Court just since 2011, we’re working to secure freedom’s future for all Americans. As one supporter recently said, “I didn’t know you existed, but you’ve been defending me all these years.” Your tax-deductible gift today will help ADF ...
  • Around the world, it’s becoming more difficult—and dangerous—for Christians to live out their faith.
  • The job of the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) is to protect Americans’ health and safety. But the FDA has betrayed this trust and has done the exact opposite by putting women and girls in harm’s way. On March 26, the U.S. Supreme Court heard oral argument in Alliance Defending Freedom’s case challenging the FDA’s reckless and unlawful removal of commonsense safeguards on abortion drugs. The pro-women doctors we represent have witnessed firsthand the harm to women and girls caused by the FDA’s reckless actions. Under the FDA’s current rules, prescribers do not check women for life ...
  • The job of the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) is to protect Americans’ health and safety. But the FDA has betrayed this trust and has done the exact opposite by putting women and girls in harm’s way. On March 26, the U.S. Supreme Court heard oral argument in Alliance Defending Freedom’s case challenging the FDA’s reckless and unlawful removal of commonsense safeguards on abortion drugs. The pro-women doctors we represent have witnessed firsthand the harm to women and girls caused by the FDA’s reckless actions. Under the FDA’s current rules, prescribers do not check women for life ...
  • We're in a new stage in the fight for life. With Roe v. Wade out of the way, state and federal lawmakers are now empowered to protect life, but there is growing opposition to defending women and their unborn children. And there’s still so much work to do. Your gift to Alliance Defending Freedom today will help: Stand up to the Biden administration’s unlawful actions and defend states’ pro-life laws. The Biden administration is manipulating federal law to try to override Idaho’s Defense of Life Act and force emergency room doctors to perform abortions. Idaho’s law protects the lives of women ...
  • Thank you for downloading our free resource guide: Life: 3 Myths and 3 Facts. It’s our goal to equip you with the facts you need, so that as Eph. 4:15 commands us, you can “speak the truth in love.” We’d also love your input on how helpful you found the resource! If you enjoyed this resource, you may also enjoy our resource on how the FDA abandoned its mission of protecting the health and safety of women and girls in favor of pushing a political agenda. Take a look at Holding the FDA Accountable: Three Myths & Three Facts! ”
  • The censorship at America’s colleges and universities must stop. And we need your support to bring First Amendment freedoms back to our nation’s campuses. A university is supposed to be a “marketplace” for ideas. Unfortunately, more and more college campuses are silencing students through discriminatory policies, speech codes, and even no-contact orders. Maggie DeJong’s story is case in point. As a graduate student in art therapy counseling at Southern Illinois University Edwardsville (SIUE), Maggie wanted an education that would make her the best counselor she could be. Just like many of her ...
  • The censorship at America’s colleges and universities must stop. And we need your support to bring First Amendment freedoms back to our nation’s campuses. A university is supposed to be a “marketplace” for ideas. Unfortunately, more and more college campuses are silencing students through discriminatory policies, speech codes, and even no-contact orders. Maggie DeJong’s story is case in point. As a graduate student in art therapy counseling at Southern Illinois University Edwardsville (SIUE), Maggie wanted an education that would make her the best counselor she could be. Just like many of her ...