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Showing 198 results for "detailspages blog details allianceedge 2017 05 19 lawsuit against hawaii churches hurts surrounding community"
  • Ronald Reagan once said, Freedom … is never more than one generation away from extinction. We are seeing that truth play out before our very eyes. Today, activists and government officials are increasingly misusing the levers of law and policy — at the local, state, federal, and even international levels — to impose a new orthodoxy. This new orthodoxy threatens to silence, punish, and even ruin those who seek to speak and live consistent with the fact that … … life begins at conception. … God designed marriage to be between one man and one woman. … God made men and women equal, but different. ...
  • … officials and policies are actively discriminating against Americans of faith—prioritizing ideology over the …
  • … and custom website designer Lorie Smith has bravely stood against Colorado’s law that threatens to violate her First …
  • Our culture lies to pregnant women, and tells them that abortion is “health care,” that it’s a simple, painless procedure. In truth, abortion destroys innocent life and often leaves women struggling with significant physical and psychological pain. Alliance Defending Freedom is the world's largest legal organization committed to protecting religious freedom, free speech, the sanctity of life, parental rights, and God's design for marriage and family. When it comes to these issues, we aren’t on the sidelines—we're in the action achieving significant victories for freedom. We were honored to ...
  • … to her daughter using her real name and female pronouns—against Tammy’s explicit requests. We won the case and now, …
  • Each one of us, made in the image of God, has inalienable rights given to us by our Creator. These rights include free speech and the freedom of religion. These freedoms protect every American’s ability to live according to their beliefs. Yet, threats to these rights are mounting. We’re seeing federal, state, and local governments trying to enforce gender ideology across our education system and even health services. And parental rights are now being threatened by public school districts and state governments. You can take action to help secure these and more freedoms today. It's only through ...
  • Novel. Unprecedented. Staggering. These words have all been used to describe a federal appeals court decision that said Colorado officials can force artist Lorie Smith to create custom designs and promote messages that violate her beliefs. Lorie left the corporate design world to start her own design studio, 303 Creative, in 2012 so she could promote causes consistent with her beliefs and close to her heart, such as supporting children with disabilities, the beauty of marriage, overseas missions, animal shelters, and veterans. She was excited to expand her portfolio to create websites that ...
  • We hope you will be encouraged by the difference you are making for free speech across our great nation.