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Showing 97 results for "detailspages author details tori colgan"
  • … . Information Collection ADF obtains contact details and other personal information regarding media … A profile is stored information that we keep on users that details their viewing preferences. This profile is used to …
  • Coercing Lorie to express what she does not believe is downright unconstitutional. With assistance from the attorneys at Alliance Defending Freedom, Lorie has taken her case to the Supreme Court, where she is standing to set a firm precedent for the free-speech rights of every American. She’ll stand against both the State of Colorado and the Biden administration, both of whom are fighting to deny her the right to speak freely. This type of government coercion can affect anyone—including you and your family. Please sign your name below to stand with Lorie and her family—and for free speech ...
  • Resources
  • All Americans are entitled to the promises of the Constituiton. Stop government officials from dismantling those freedoms. Your freedom matters!
  • We want you to be ready to have impactful conversations with friends and family—ready to dispel common myths and help defend the rights of the unborn!
  • … Care, and the Arlington Parent Coalition (Virginia). An author, speaker, and teacher with a background in educational … sexuality and transgender ideology since 2018. She is the author of multiple books, including Desist, Detrans & Detox: …
  • Former Atlanta Fire Chief Kelvin Cochran knows what it means to face the fire—both literal flames and the rising tide of threats to freedom of speech and religious liberty. Despite his sterling credentials—Cochran once held the nation’s highest firefighting role as U.S. Fire Administrator for the United States Fire Administration—he was fired from his position as Atlanta’s fire chief. Why? Because the government didn’t approve of his message about biblical marriage and sexuality that he included in a brief passage in a self-published book he wrote. We stood with Chief Cochran, and after years ...
  • After nearly 12 years in court, Masterpiece Cakeshop owner Jack Phillips is still being sued. Support Jack as ADF defends him at the Colorado Supreme Court.
  • Counselors are increasingly coming under threat from local, state, and federal laws and policies that seek to insert the government’s preferred views on gender into private conversations between a counselor and clients who are minors. Counselors are facing the prospect of making a choice no American should ever have to make: speak the truth to clients knowing they might face devastating consequences, or abandon their faith in order to speak only government-approved values and perspectives. The government has no business censoring conversations between clients and counselors, and Alliance ...