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Showing 149 results for "detailspages organization details north star law policy center"
  • … pregnancy care centers like Branches Pregnancy Resource Center do for their community, the State of Vermont has targeted them with a new law. Government officials want to silence their voice and … step up now and help support Branches Pregnancy Resource Center’s case? Your support will help fuel this important …
  • … Administration be Able to Override Idaho’s Life-Saving Law? … Idaho v. United States Survey …
  • … ready to stand up and protect children. … New Case Defends Law Taking on Dangerous Medical “Care” for Children in Alabama …
  • … the landmark decision in Dobbs v. Jackson Women’s Health Organization was announced on June 24, 2022, abortion has been front and center in the national conversation. But much of that debate has included misunderstandings about the law surrounding abortion, the history of the significant …
  • Counselors are increasingly coming under threat from local, state, and federal laws and policies that seek to insert the government’s preferred views on gender into private conversations between a counselor and clients who are minors. Counselors are facing the prospect of making a choice no American should ever have to make: speak the truth to clients knowing they might face devastating consequences, or abandon their faith in order to speak only government-approved values and perspectives. The government has no business censoring conversations between clients and counselors, and Alliance ...
  • … hiring only employees who agreed with and lived out the organization’s values? According to two U.S. Supreme Court … in public life.” But a Washington state employment law is being used to threaten the work of religious … beliefs. Now, Washington officials are using this law to force Yakima Union Gospel Mission, a Christian …
  • America is one of the last countries in the world strongly committed to protecting the freedoms to speak freely and to live out our faith. But our most cherished rights must be constantly defended, and they’re being challenged now as much as ever before. Alliance Defending Freedom receives thousands of requests for legal assistance every year—and that number represents just a fraction of people whose rights are threatened by government officials and radical activists. As the Biden administration and other government officials around the country implement policies at odds with freedom, the ...
  • Parents have the responsibility to direct their children’s upbringing. But today, tragically, some government officials are intentionally undercutting the important role of mothers and fathers in their children’s lives. And in one of the most egregious examples of this, there are school districts across the country that advance the idea that gender is socially constructed and that it can be chosen and changed. This flatly contradicts the Bible’s teaching and obvious biological truth. This lie is causing real-world harm, as school districts enable and sometimes coerce teachers and school ...
  • Former Atlanta Fire Chief Kelvin Cochran knows what it means to face the fire—both literal flames and the rising tide of threats to freedom of speech and religious liberty. Despite his sterling credentials—Cochran once held the nation’s highest firefighting role as U.S. Fire Administrator for the United States Fire Administration—he was fired from his position as Atlanta’s fire chief. Why? Because the government didn’t approve of his message about biblical marriage and sexuality that he included in a brief passage in a self-published book he wrote. We stood with Chief Cochran, and after years ...
  • $1 MILLION CHALLENGE GRANT OPPORTUNITY As a concerned citizen who cares about keeping the door open for the Gospel and securing freedom’s future, we bet you feel like you sometimes have to stay quiet about your beliefs ... to self-censor. In this cultural moment, your God-given rights are facing mounting threats from government officials and activists. Religious freedom is being restricted. Free speech is being curtailed. The rights of parents are being ignored. And biological reality—that we are created male or female—is being denied by officials as high as the Biden administration itself ...