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Showing 220 results for "detailspages case details doe 2 v tangipahoa parish school board"
  • … be heated and emotional. The historic outcome of  Dobbs v. Jackson Women’s Health Organization  provides a unique …
  • Thank you for signing the pledge!
  • … and even no-contact orders. Maggie DeJong’s story is case in point. As a graduate student in art therapy …
  • Elon Musk offered to cover your legal bill if you were unfairly treated by an employer because of something you tweeted — but what about mistreatment by the government? In Finland, Member of Parliament Päivi Räsänen stood trial twice for charges of “hate speech” over a 2019 Tweet that included a Bible verse and questioned her church’s participation in a local Pride parade. Despite being acquitted twice, the Finnish state prosecutor has decided to appeal the second unanimous court decision that exonerated Päivi and Lutheran Bishop Juhana Pohjola of “hate speech” allegations for sharing their ...
  • You Can Double Your Gift to Protect Kids Government officials are crossing the line, harming kids, and ignoring parents’ rights. For the vast majority of our nation’s history, everyone agreed that parents get to make the educational, medical, religious, and other important life decisions for their children. But now, there are some government officials who want more power. They think they know better than parents. And they are pushing destructive ideologies—like radical gender ideology and critical race theory—on the captive audience of children in schools, confusing kids about their bodies ...
  • Persecution of Christians and other minority religion adherents is on the rise worldwide. Over 365 million Christians live in places where persecution is a daily challenge. In some countries, blasphemy laws still carry a death sentence. Homeschool parents are targeted by governments who threaten to take their children away because of their faith. Christians are even arrested for silently praying or tweeting a Bible verse. But many Americans aren’t aware of the threat to religious freedom and the extent to which it is under attack in Western countries like the U.K. and Brazil. That’s why we’ve ...
  • … We're in a new stage in the fight for life. With Roe v. Wade out of the way, state and federal lawmakers are now … the generosity of people like you to fund every single case. Please make your best gift today of $50, $75, $100, or …
  • … of the Ozarks (dubbed “Hard Work U.” ) is a religious school in Missouri and the Christian faith is integral to how … to protect their right (and the right of every religious school in the nation) to operate according to their sincerely …
  • … faith-based admission standards. Example: A Christian school may not be allowed to require students to sign a …
  • … freedoms—all the way to the Supreme Court, and labored in case after case to uphold the rights to live out your faith, speak the …