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Showing 92 results for "detailspages author details christiana holcomb"
  • Persecution of Christians and other minority religion adherents is on the rise worldwide. Over 365 million Christians live in places where persecution is a daily challenge. In some countries, blasphemy laws still carry a death sentence. Homeschool parents are targeted by governments who threaten to take their children away because of their faith. Christians are even arrested for silently praying or tweeting a Bible verse. But many Americans aren’t aware of the threat to religious freedom and the extent to which it is under attack in Western countries like the U.K. and Brazil. That’s why we’ve ...
  • Believers in Christ have a great commission—to “go and make disciples of all nations”—a charge to tell others of God’s wonderful grace and the invitation to follow Him. But around the world, our brothers and sisters in Christ are paying the ultimate price to follow Jesus and proclaim the truth. They’re facing extreme persecution, often including imprisonment and death. With boldness, we can stand for their rights to religious freedom and free speech, so that the good news of the Gospel may continue to be preached openly, and without fear of government punishment. If you stand with us, you help ...
  • Believers in Christ have a great commission—to “go and make disciples of all nations”—a charge to tell others of God’s wonderful grace and the invitation to follow Him. But around the world, our brothers and sisters in Christ are paying the ultimate price to follow Jesus and proclaim the truth. They’re facing extreme persecution, often including imprisonment and death. With boldness, we can stand for their rights to religious freedom and free speech, so that the good news of the Gospel may continue to be preached openly, and without fear of government punishment. If you stand with us, you help ...
  • The Biden administration is trying to mandate gender identity ideology on Christian college campuses.
  • Imagine feeling a conviction to adopt and care for other children—to love those who don’t even have one parent. And now imagine that your state is excluding you from adopting any child because you won’t agree to contradict your Christian beliefs— you won’t use inaccurate pronouns, take children to events like Pride parades, and facilitate a child’s access to dangerous procedures like potentially sterilizing puberty blockers. This is exactly the situation Jessica Bates faces in Oregon. Oregon officials are preventing Jessica from adopting because they disagree with her Christian beliefs—despite ...
  • Three decades ago, 30 Christian leaders saw a need to combat the decades-long efforts of activists and government officials to drive expressions of faith out of the public square. Others said it was too late, that the culture had already been lost. But these determined Christian leaders stepped out in faith and founded Alliance Defending Freedom to protect God-given freedoms in the courts and to recruit and train attorneys dedicated to that mission. Today, by God’s grace, we stand as the world’s largest legal organization committed to protecting religious freedom, free speech, the sanctity of ...
  • We are incredibly blessed to be welcoming 192 remarkable Christian law students from across the United States and around the globe to the 24th class of Blackstone Legal Fellowship! As one way of communicating support to this year’s Blackstone Interns, we are inviting you to write notes of encouragement to the incoming class. We look forward to hearing of the ways God will use these notes to bless the incoming students and of the fruit that your encouragement will help produce! Thank you for your continued support of the Blackstone Legal Fellowship.
  • Alliance Defending Freedom is fighting for Dr. Fox and others like him in the courtroom, but we cannot do it without your support today.
  • There are growing threats to those who serve Jesus. Activist officials are seeking to silence and coerce those who speak and live consistent with the Christian faith—here in America and around the world. It's only through the generosity of friends like you that we can defend people of faith in courtrooms around the world. Now as much as ever, we need your help to stand with them. Will you help defend the faithful and advance the right to live and speak the truth by making a gift right now? Your doubled gift will make an immediate impact and help us walk boldly into the wind to defend our ...
  • As we celebrate the resurrection of Jesus this Easter season, there are growing threats to those who serve Him.