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Showing 105 results for "jack phillips story3"
  • The story of this family’s experience is shocking. Schools have a responsibility to keep parents informed—they cannot hide information about a child’s mental or physical well-being from their parents. At Alliance Defending Freedom, we defend people’s fundamental rights in cases across the nation. Each year, we receive THOUSANDS of requests for legal assistance, many from families just like the Perez family. Critical legal battles like these impact your fundamental freedoms, and thanks to Alliance Defending Freedom’s Grants and Funding Program, our network of attorneys are able to stand ...
  • It all began when Bank of America, one of the world’s largest banks sent abrupt notices to a Memphis-based church and Indigenous Advance, one of its ministry partners. The bank said they were closing their accounts and even the ministry’s credit cards. And they both had only 30 days to switch to a new bank. Bank of America didn’t even give a specific reason. All it said was that it simply no longer wanted to serve the ministries’ “business type” and that Indigenous Advance has exceeded the banks “risk tolerance.” But Indigenous Advance isn’t ideological or partisan. And it’s had the same ...
  • Imagine feeling a conviction to adopt and care for other children—to love those who lack a loving home. And now imagine that your state is excluding you from adoption because you won’t contradict your beliefs— you won’t encourage a child to identify as the opposite sex or take them to receive cross-sex hormone shots intended to block their natural biological development. This is exactly the situation Jessica Bates faces in Oregon. Oregon officials are preventing Jessica and others like her from adopting a child if they believe sex is unchangeable—whether based on Scripture or biology. It’s a ...
  • When Washington State denied Shane and Jenn DeGross’ renewal application to continue fostering children in need, it did so because the DeGrosses are Christians who believe that God has created each person male or female. They wouldn’t endorse and promote the state’s radical views on gender ideology, so the state rejected them. The DeGrosses had willingly opened up their hearts and home for over nine years, to children of all backgrounds who lacked a stable and loving home environment, regardless of how the child identifies. Even though it is in desperate need of more families like the ...
  • The threats to religious freedom are growing fast. But Alliance Defending Freedom has been defending religious freedom for over document.write(new Date().getFullYear() - 1994); years, and with 15 victories at the Supreme Court just since 2011, we’re working to secure freedom’s future for all Americans—the freedom of religion and free speech not just for ourselves, but for future generations as well. That’s because the right to live out your faith doesn’t end at your doorstep, even as some government officials and activists are trying to force you to keep it at home. As one supporter ...
  • Now there’s no doubt. Detailed information released this week by the U.S. House Select Subcommittee on the Weaponization of the Federal Government makes plain that the Biden administration has been partnering with major banks and payment processors to censor non-profit ministries and threaten the freedom of everyday Americans. And now, the subcommittee has revealed that the government has targeted Alliance Defending Freedom. We’ve been unlawfully swept up in the federal government’s “domestic terrorist” dragnet. While ADF was advocating on behalf of the freedom of EVERY American to live ...
  • Federal, state, and local governments are pushing a radical gender ideology that says gender is determined by our feelings rather than by biology. But perhaps most dangerous of all, some officials want to censor any debate regarding gender ideology—and this censorship has also made its way into schools. Liam Morrison, a 12-year-old student at Nichols Middle School in Middleborough, Massachusetts, is all too familiar with this censorship. When Liam wore a T-shirt to school that said, “There are only two genders,” the school responded by promptly pulling him out of class and ordering him to ...
  • The Biden administration’s lawless attempt to rewrite Title IX rejects reality and embraces gender ideology. Gender ideology inverts God’s design for humanity as created male or female. It attacks our identity as God’s image-bearers and tells us to bear the image of whatever we want: male, female, non-binary, or anything else we can imagine. This is a lie. But this ideology doesn't just confuse people with its lie. It’s leading people to hurt their bodies and, in some cases, be permanently sterilized. It’s pushing people—including innocent young children—on a path to taking drugs that impair ...
  • “Every day we hear about religious freedoms and other basic civil rights being sabotaged by powerful organizations and un-American interests. One entity is fighting back on behalf of average Americans daily. That organization is the Alliance Defending Freedom.” - Sebastian Gorka Ph.D Our God-given freedoms face increasing threats from overreaching government officials. This is more than just a struggle for court victories. It’s a battle for truth, and one of the ways we win is by standing together to protect our God-given rights. You can do that right now by partnering with ADF with a monthly ...
  • The censorship at America’s colleges and universities must stop. And we need your support to bring First Amendment freedoms back to our nation’s campuses. A university is supposed to be a “marketplace” for ideas. Unfortunately, more and more college campuses are silencing students through discriminatory policies, speech codes, and even no-contact orders. Maggie DeJong’s story is case in point. As a graduate student in art therapy counseling at Southern Illinois University Edwardsville (SIUE), Maggie wanted an education that would make her the best counselor she could be. Just like many of her ...