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Showing 66 results for "defend barronelle"
  • When Julea Ward walked into the room of professors from the counseling department, she hoped to find more tolerance than she’d received from her counseling supervisor at Eastern Michigan University. She was wrong.
  • As a counselor for the Center for Disease Control and Prevention, Marcia counseled people of all backgrounds and situations, including individuals identifying as homosexual. But this situation was different; a client asked Marcia for help strengthening and repairing her lesbian relationship, a relationship that conflicted with Marcia’s faith.
  • College was a rude awakening for Emily Brooker. Her freshman year, she received a class assignment to perform homosexual behavior in public, such as holding hands or kissing, and then write a paper about the experience.
  • Angela Little was a freshman at Eastern Michigan University (EMU) when a friend persuaded her to help establish a Students For Life (SFLA) chapter at the school. They collected signatures, recruited an adviser, and launched a slew of activities: Chalk Day (pro-life messages on campus sidewalks); Planned Parenthood Day (prominently exposing the corporation’s pro-abortion agenda), a petition drive protesting state insurance for abortion.
  • … she learned about Colorado’s speech-stifling law. HELP DEFEND LORIE What Lorie Smith shares with Colorado cake … the state of freedom in which we leave it. Will you help defend Lorie and free speech for all with a gift today? MAKE … of protecting Americans from government censorship. HELP DEFEND LORIE AND FREE SPEECH Lorie Smith’s legal defense: Are …
  • In third grade, Spencer Anderson first began to think seriously about abortion. Some guest speakers in his homeroom class spoke about the subject, and he still remembers marveling that anyone, for any reason, “wouldn’t want people to live.”
  • The Biden administration wants to force Christian colleges to put males in female dorms.
  • Founded in 1848 by the Reformed Presbyterian Church of North America, Geneva College is no stranger to ­­taking big risks for the sake of Christ.
  • Kelvin Cochran dedicated over 30 years of his life to fighting fires and protecting the communities in which he's lived and worked.
  • Justus Abramo was a first grade student in the Nazareth Area School District, and Valentine’s Day was right around the corner.