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Showing 41 results for "detailspages author details tori colgan"
  • In the fall of 2008, Jonathan Lopez attended Los Angeles City College (LACC) and was enrolled in a speech class. During this same time California voters passed Proposition 8 which amended the state’s constitution to define marriage as a legal union between one man and one woman.
  • In 2006, Elaine Huguenin, a wedding photographer in New Mexico, received an inquiry from Vanessa Wilcox to photograph her same-sex commitment ceremony. Elaine respectfully declined. She and her husband, Jonathan, couldn’t in good conscience use their artistic talents to tell the story of a ceremony that conflicts with their faith.
  • When Alexis heard about the lawsuit, she knew that she was called to join. Why? Because she felt that her voice brought something different—and needed—to the conversation. A female’s perspective on privacy needed to be heard.
  • College was a rude awakening for Emily Brooker. Her freshman year, she received a class assignment to perform homosexual behavior in public, such as holding hands or kissing, and then write a paper about the experience.
  • Two days a week, five hours per day, for the last 14 years, Eleanor McCullen has stood on the sidewalk outside a Boston Planned Parenthood facility trying to persuade mothers not to abort their babies.
  • One church in the Bronx borough of New York City spent two decades fighting for the ability to meet in public spaces.
  • In third grade, Spencer Anderson first began to think seriously about abortion. Some guest speakers in his homeroom class spoke about the subject, and he still remembers marveling that anyone, for any reason, “wouldn’t want people to live.”
  • Pastor Clyde Reed wasn’t always a pastor. Up until the age of 40, he made a living as an engineer, but then something changed.
  • Case Updates From Around The World
  • The Biden administration wants to force Christian colleges to put males in female dorms.