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Showing 153 results for "News PRDetail 5122"
  • Parents and students sue their school board for enacting racially and religiously discriminatory policies and indoctrinating students in related radical ideology.
  • All Americans are entitled to the promises of the Constituiton. Stop government officials from dismantling those freedoms. Your freedom matters!
  • The U.S. Court of Appeals for the 6th Circuit was selected to decide all lawsuits challenging the federal government’s private employer vaccine mandate. This consolidated case includes the four cases ADF filed in early November.
  • Alliance Defending Freedom works alongside millions of other pro-life Americans to ensure that life is protected. Life is a human right, and it must be safeguarded.
  • Alliance Defending Freedom has trained more than 2,400 law students from more than 225 law schools. Blackstone Legal Fellowship is just the beginning.
  • Across America, government officials are getting bolder. Some are working to restrict your religious freedom, silence your speech, and crush your conscience. Here's what you can do.
  • Alliance Defending Freedom Allied Attorney Network Frequently Asked Questions
  • We can’t allow government officials or others to trample someone’s constitutional rights—yours or anyone else’s. Freedom must be protected.
  • Resources
  • A Colorado artist looks to the U.S. Supreme Court to defend her right to speak freely