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Showing 221 results for "About Testimonies"
  • … saw a perfect opportunity to invite his friends to learn about the true meaning of Easter. J.G. brought several … saw a perfect opportunity to invite his friends to learn about the true meaning of Easter. J.G. brought several …
  • Alliance Defending Freedom attorneys represent Trijicon, a family-owned business, in a federal lawsuit against the Obama administration’s abortion pill mandate,
  • WV defends its pro-life laws against chemical abortion drug manufacturer
  • Federal government requires a Christian business to provide health insurance for its employees that cover abortion-inducing drugs and devices
  • … Commentary Supreme Court’s Trinity Lutheran decision was about fairness (Kansas City Star,… Erik Stanley No swing vote … James Arnold What the playground can teach the government about fair play (USA Today, 2017-0… David Cortman Gorsuch and … What was Trinity Lutheran Church of Columbia v. Comer about? Trinity Lutheran Church in Columbia, Missouri, …
  • "Floating buffer zones” created by a federal district court prevented people from sharing their beliefs about life, violating the First Amendment.
  • The Supreme Court upheld a Montana law protecting women. The law ensured that only licensed physicians could perform abortions.
  • ND Catholic pharmacist challenges Biden mandate to dispense abortion drugs
  • The Obama administration has dropped its challenge to a federal court order that requires the Food and Drug Administration to allow an abortifacient to be sold to minors
  • ADF represents world’s largest pregnancy center network in opposition to AMA attack on informed consent statute.