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Showing 39 results for "detailspages detailspages biography details kate anderson"
  • Kate Anderson Senior Counsel, Director of Center for Parental Rights Kate Anderson serves as senior counsel with Alliance Defending …
  • Katie Vizzerra serves as legal counsel of Blackstone Alumni Relations at Alliance Defending Freedom overseeing alumni of the Blackstone Legal Fellowship.
  • Alison (Ali) M. Kilmartin serves as senior counsel and vice president of Allied Legal Affairs with Alliance Defending Freedom. In this role, she leads the Allied Legal Affairs team, which is dedicated to recruiting, engaging with, and strategically deploying over 4,700 attorneys aligned with ADF’s mission to protect and promote life, religious liberty, free speech, marriage and family, and parental rights. Attorneys in ADF’s network have played important roles in hundreds of precedent-setting matters and 74 victories at the U.S. Supreme Court, including serving as lead ...
  • Imagine feeling a conviction to adopt and care for other children—to love those who lack a loving home. And now imagine that your state is excluding you from adoption because you won’t contradict your beliefs— you won’t encourage a child to identify as the opposite sex or take them to receive cross-sex hormone shots intended to block their natural biological development. This is exactly the situation Jessica Bates faces in Oregon. Oregon officials are preventing Jessica and others like her from adopting a child if they believe sex is unchangeable—whether based on Scripture or biology. It’s a ...
  • Parents who want to adopt shouldn’t face discrimination for their deeply held Christian beliefs. They shouldn’t be denied access to available government opportunities because of their faith. Yet that’s precisely what’s happening to Jessica Bates—a mother of five who is seeking to adopt and care for a sibling pair. Oregon is flat-out rejecting Jessica’s application for failing to “meet the adoption home standards.” In other words, she won’t tell boys they can be girls and girls they can be boys, take children to events like Pride parades, or facilitate a child’s access to potentially ...
  • Tens of thousands of children throughout the country need loving and stable families. But the United States is currently facing a shortage of loving foster care and adoptive homes, and the nation is facing a crisis. In Oregon, several hundred children are up for adoption and desperately need someone to care for them, and yet the state is putting their needs second to politics. For Oregon, a loving and stable home isn’t enough. They’re requiring that prospective adoptive parents agree with the state’s views on radical gender ideology. They’re turning down anyone who won’t lie to a child about ...
  • Larry Burkett accepted Jesus Christ as his Lord and Savior in 1972 – an event that had a profound effect, not only on the course of his own life, but also on the lives of countless individuals touched by the work of Crown Financial Ministries.
  • As a mother of five, Jessica knows what it’s like to provide a loving home. And as a widow, she knows what it’s like to lose a part of your family. So after hearing about another person’s adoption story, she felt inspired to make a happy home for children in need in the state of Oregon. But in Oregon, parents like Jessica must agree to use a child’s preferred pronouns, take children to LGBT-affirming events like Pride parades, and facilitate a child’s access to dangerous pharmaceutical interventions like puberty blockers and hormone shots that can sterilize a young child. The Oregon Department ...
  • Dr. Bill Bright founded Campus Crusade for Christ – a campus ministry seeking to "win the campus today and change the world tomorrow" – and fully invested himself into the ministry for more than five decades.
  • Bradley Abramson serves as senior counsel with Alliance Defending Freedom, where he plays an integral role on the Allied Legal Affairs Team.