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Showing 32 results for "sitefinity status"
  • … discriminating against a student based on her religious status. This ruling ensured that the student could access a … discriminating against a student based on her religious status. This ruling ensured that the student could access a …
  • Florida law prohibiting anyone without “legitimate business” from being near a school struck down after it was used to prohibit distribution of Bibles on public sidewalks.
  • The Supreme Court ruled that a Washington statute violated parents’ fundamental right to decide who has access to their children.
  • Court strikes down law that prohibits messages which refer to ‘religion’ or ‘deity’
  • An Ohio law criminalizes political speech that a state agency determines to be “false.”
  • In Lambert v. Wicklund, the Supreme Court upheld a Montana statute requiring notification of a minor’s parents before performing an abortion on her.
  • Alliance Defending Freedom and its allies secure an important U.S. Supreme Court decision protecting school choice
  • ADF lawsuit prompts state officials to reverse course, respect churches’ religious freedom
  • Female athletes oppose Biden mandate forcing doctors to perform harmful medical procedures.
  • ADF urges 5th Circuit to hold govt officials accountable for First Amendment violations