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Showing 19 results for "404"
  • Jim Campbell serves as chief legal counsel with Alliance Defending Freedom, where he leads the U.S. Legal Advocacy team.
  • Andrew D. Graham serves as Senior Counsel, Vice President of Academic Affairs & Strategic Affairs at Alliance Defending Freedom. In his role, he designs ADF’s academic initiatives and professional-development programs, including the Blackstone Legal Fellowship; engages with thought leaders around the world; and speaks at academic gatherings, universities, and think tanks on law, politics, and culture. Additionally, Graham is a senior fellow at the Religious Freedom Institute in Washington, DC; an elected member and trustee of The Philadelphia Society; an elected member of The Mont Pelerin ...
  • Through Coral Ridge Ministries, Dr. D. James Kennedy became the most listened-to Presbyterian minister in the world.
  • Michael Whitehead has nearly 50 years of experience as a Kansas City trial attorney defending churches and ministries from trial courts to the U.S. Supreme Court.
  • Here’s why religious freedom is a social good and not discrimination.
  • The Supreme Court should make it clear that the West Virginia law protecting women’s sports should be enforced.
  • Planned Parenthood claims again and again that it is in the business of ‘health care.’ Nothing could be further from the truth.
  • An appellate court ruled that a lawsuit from four female athletes who were forced to compete against males can proceed.
  • Our laws must ensure that educators and their students are free to speak, live, work, and learn in accordance with their faith and conscience.
  • A Minnesota woman sued a pharmacist because his beliefs prevented him from dispensing potentially life-ending drugs.