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Showing 184 results for "News PRDetail 5454"
  • The Biden administration is using social media companies to shut down voices and messages they disagree with—and they have been caught red-handed. We’re standing with Americans, supporting a new lawsuit that challenges this government overreach. But what do you think? Take our survey and let your voice be heard!
  • Ronald Reagan once said, Freedom … is never more than one generation away from extinction. We are seeing that truth play out before our very eyes. Today, activists and government officials are increasingly misusing the levers of law and policy — at the local, state, federal, and even international levels — to impose a new orthodoxy. This new orthodoxy threatens to silence, punish, and even ruin those who seek to speak and live consistent with the fact that … … life begins at conception. … God designed marriage to be between one man and one woman. … God made men and women equal, but different. ...
  • Ronald Reagan once said, Freedom … is never more than one generation away from extinction. We are seeing that truth play out before our very eyes. Today, activists and government officials are increasingly misusing the levers of law and policy — at the local, state, federal, and even international levels — to impose a new orthodoxy. This new orthodoxy threatens to silence, punish, and even ruin those who seek to speak and live consistent with the fact that … … life begins at conception. … God designed marriage to be between one man and one woman. … God made men and women equal, but different. ...
  • From all of us at Alliance Defending Freedom, thank you.
  • From all of us at Alliance Defending Freedom, thank you.
  • Get the latest on religious freedom directly to your inbox! These days, it can be tough to keep up with all that’s happening in our law and culture—especially with so many threats to our constitutional rights. Alliance Defending Freedom has been in the trenches, defending life, marriage & family, free speech, and religious freedom for the past three decades. Now we are bringing all the latest on our cases to you through The Docket bi-weekly email newsletter. When you sign up to receive The Docket newsletter, you will: Learn what ADF is doing to combat new and existing threats to your religious ...
  • Sign up and download your copy The freedoms of educators and students are increasingly threatened. Why? Because government officials are silencing speech that the government disagrees with and punishing Americans for engaging in honest discussion and debate. Some policies seek to compel educators or students to express messages that aren’t true. These unlawful directives force educators to deceive and mislead parents and students to avoid plain truths when talking with each other. But don’t educators and students have the right to live and speak the truth—without fear of punishment? Or do ...
  • Your generous support keeps us standing for your freedom!
  • In a generational win for ADF and the pro-life movement, the U.S. Supreme Court in Dobbs v. Jackson Women's Health overturned the disastrous Roe v. Wade after nearly 50 years.
  • Could a church or a ministry near you be in danger of losing access to its financial accounts? For this Memphis-based church and ministry, it happened so abruptly. Without warning or explanation, Bank of America sent a letter to Indigenous Advance Ministries to notify them that its accounts were being closed. The ministry provides aid to impoverished orphans, widows, youth, and other at-risk populations in Uganda. The bank also targeted Servants of Christ church, which partners with the ministry. Bank of America told them they had 30 days to find a new bank and switch, and just a few weeks ...