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  • Our case against the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) will very soon be heard by the U.S. Supreme Court. All Americans should be able to agree: That federal agencies must follow the law. That the FDA’s job is to ensure safety. But the FDA hasn’t followed the law—it unlawfully removed vital safety standards for the use of high-risk abortion drugs. And it isn’t keeping women and girls safe—the FDA’s own label on these drugs admit that roughly one in 25 women who take them will end up in the emergency room. Yet the FDA eliminated all in-person doctor visits to check for ectopic pregnancies ...
  • It’s time for the FDA to stop shirking its duty. Women’s health matters, and it’s time for the FDA to put women first.
  • The Copyright Royalty Board is unlawfully requiring religious broadcasters to pay significantly higher royalties than secular NPR broadcasters when streaming songs online.
  • We cannot continue to let law enforcement, regulators, and banks that are too big to fail run roughshod over our First Amendment freedoms.
  • Liam Morrison couldn’t have imagined that he would be spending some of his middle school years in a courtroom helping to protect free speech for other students. But for Liam, the truth is worth it. At 12, he’s shown more courage than some adults. Now, he has a message of thanks to all the Ministry Friends who have helped support his case for freedom. Liam is a student at Nichols Middle School in Massachusetts. During his time there, he’s watched his school host celebrations of “Pride Week” and even encourage students to participate. But Liam believes the truth that gender is not based on our ...
  • Women face severe, even life-threatening, harm because the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) disregarded their health and safety. By removing safety standards it once provided to women using abortion drugs, the FDA recklessly endangered them. And because of the FDA’s lawless actions, women and girls across the country have suffered. This spring, we’re asking the U.S. Supreme Court to hold the FDA accountable. We’re representing pro-women doctors who have witnessed firsthand the harm to women and girls caused by what the FDA has done. Will you stand with Alliance Defending Freedom and these ...
  • The FDA has used unreliable data and inadequate scientific literature in its decisions to remove safety standards from abortion drugs.
  • I was pulled out of my first period class and told by the acting principal that I would have to change my shirt before going back to class.
  • No American should ever have to worry that they could lose their bank account or have a payment declined because of their religious or political beliefs.
  • Legislation introduced in Congress would protect the independence and tax-exempt status of charitable organizations.