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Showing 3553 results for "will arizona supreme court protect freedoms these artists"
  • Emily serves as Copywriter at Alliance Defending Freedom.
  • Gender theory denies the basic biological reality that we’re all created either male or female. Undermining that fact is hurting children, families, and countless societal institutions. In Y our Guide to Gender Theory, Alliance Defending Freedom’s free guide, you’ll discover: The roots of gender theory How gender theory impacts everything from women’s sports to adoption services to biblical counselors What ADF is doing to push back, and how you can help Get your FREE copy of Y our Guide to Gender Theory!
  • From all of us at Alliance Defending Freedom, thank you.
  • … legal battles affecting your religious freedom and the freedoms of countless others are waged with the help of the … with grant requests! Your tax-deductible gift today will help the Grants and Funding program respond to the growing threats to your most cherished freedoms and your brothers and sisters in Christ. We never …
  • Sign your name to the statement below and join with more than 8,400 friends of freedom nationwide to stand for Free Speech. I stand against the efforts of government officials to restrict the expression of my beliefs. I stand against the mobs who seek to intimidate their ideological opponents into silence. I stand for freedom of speech for all!
  • Your generous financial support makes it possible for Alliance Defending Freedom and its more than 4,900 Network Attorneys to defend religious liberty, the sanctity of human life, freedom of speech, and marriage and the family in America and around the world. Please complete the form to update your tax-deductible, monthly gift today.
  • Lance has served Alliance Defending Freedom since 2013 and is currently the Senior Vice President of Development.
  • Get the latest on ADF’s cases directly to your inbox For 30 years, Alliance Defending Freedom has been contending for truth and freedom in law, policy, and the public square. You won’t want to miss the latest updates on our work. Learn how you can advocate for the issues that matter! Sign up for the Docket newsletter to receive our latest case updates and cultural commentary!
  • … this year to pass landmark legislation in Tennessee that will directly prohibit de-banking. We’re also bringing … important work by giving a gift today. Your generosity will help mobilize C-suite executives and lawmakers to put a … And due to the generosity of a Ministry Friend, your gift will contribute to a $1 million challenge grant! It’s time we …
  • Mark Maddoux is the former president, CEO, and co-founder of the USA Radio Network, vice president and chief financial officer for International Christian Media, and former head of research and development for Gelato of Texas.