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Showing 3264 results for "adf returns 3rd circuit argues pittsburgh censorship zones suppress free speech"
  • … license because of their religious beliefs. March 2024: ADF attorneys filed a lawsuit challenging Washington’s …
  • … risk by the policy. January 2023 : Attorneys with WILL and ADF filed their opening brief with the Wisconsin Court of …
  • It takes much courage to stand up to lies when it seems that so many in government, education, and the wider culture want to silence the truth. But our clients know that the truth— God’s truth—is precious and cannot be compromised. They also know they aren’t alone because they also have the encouragement and support of our faithful monthly partners. Through the generosity of Ministry Friends like you, our clients can help defend freedom for every American in court without paying a dime in expensive legal fees. Take Jessica Bates, a mom of five in Oregon. With the help of faithful monthly ...
  • … their daughter from the school district. December 2023 : ADF attorneys filed a lawsuit against the school district on …
  • Appeal filed over unauthorized state funding for elective abortions that disproportionately affects black Minnesotans
  • African-American couple sues over unauthorized funding for abortions that disproportionately affected black Minnesotans
  • Alliance Defending Freedom is fighting for Dr. Fox and others like him in the courtroom, but we cannot do it without your support today.
  • The Biden administration is taking away lunch money from low-income kids who attend Christian schools like Dayspring Christian Learning Center in El Cajon, CA. Why? Because their school doesn’t agree with the government’s radical gender ideology. Tell the administration to stop using kids and their lunches as leverage to FORCE Christian schools to abandon their beliefs. Schools like Dayspring are being targeted by federal and state officials. This is wrong. Christian students and their schools shouldn’t be forced to give up critical lunch funding to follow their beliefs. Sign your name and ...
  • Tens of thousands of children throughout the country need loving and stable families. But the United States is currently facing a shortage of loving foster care and adoptive homes, and the nation is facing a crisis. In Oregon, several hundred children are up for adoption and desperately need someone to care for them, and yet the state is putting their needs second to politics. For Oregon, a loving and stable home isn’t enough. They’re requiring that prospective adoptive parents agree with the state’s views on radical gender ideology. They’re turning down anyone who won’t lie to a child about ...
  • Parents have the responsibility to direct their children’s upbringing. But today, tragically, some government officials are intentionally undercutting the important role of mothers and fathers in their children’s lives. And in one of the most egregious examples of this, there are school districts across the country that advance the idea that gender is socially constructed and that it can be chosen and changed. This flatly contradicts the Bible’s teaching and obvious biological truth. This lie is causing real-world harm, as school districts enable and sometimes coerce teachers and school ...