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Showing 3213 results for "youre free say whatever you want long we agree"
  • Cody Barnett serves as legal counsel on Alliance Defending Freedom’s Appellate Advocacy Team, where he represents various ADF clients before appellate courts across the country.
  • Church asks that NYC public school system stop singling out religious services for exclusion in 16-year legal battle
  • High court declines to review decision that allows NYC schools to toss churches out of their weekend meeting places
  • The following quote may be attributed to Alliance Defending Freedom Senior Legal Counsel Matt Bowman regarding a federal district court’s decision Monday in Austin LifeCare v. City of Austin to strike down an Austin, Texas, anti-pregnancy care law that forced pregnancy care centers to post messages that encourage women to go elsewhere: “Political allies of abortionists shouldn’t be allowed to use the law as a tool to attack pregnancy care centers, which offer real help and hope to women. As the district court found, Austin’s ordinance was so vague that it allowed the city dangerous latitude in ...
  • Victory for pro-life center represented by Alliance Defending Freedom attorneys
  • The following quote may be attributed to Alliance Defending Freedom Senior Counsel Denise Burke regarding voter approval Tuesday of Louisiana’s Love Life Amendment, a constitutional amendment foreclosing the possibility that the Louisiana constitution will be interpreted as providing a right to abortion or to state taxpayer funding of the procedure: “Louisiana voters have reaffirmed that every innocent human life—whether born or not—is worthy of legal protection and clarified that no ‘right to abortion’ can be found in their state’s constitution. Unfortunately, state court judges in more than ...
  • Alliance Defending Freedom attorney available to media following hearing before 4th Circuit in church school case
  • The following quote may be attributed to Alliance Defending Freedom Senior Counsel Casey Mattox regarding Wednesday’s decision by the U.S. Court of Appeals for the 6th Circuit Wednesday in Susan B. Anthony List v. Driehaus to affirm a district court’s rejection of an Ohio law that silenced the pro-life group’s ability to speak out about an elected official’s position on Obamacare: “The First Amendment forbids government from acting as a ‘truth commission’ on matters of public debate. The 6th Circuit understood that this type of government intrusion has no place under the Constitution. The ...
  • The following quote may be attributed to Alliance Defending Freedom General Counsel Kristen Waggoner regarding President Joe Biden’s executive order issued Thursday that revokes the Mexico City Policy, which banned the use of federal funds for foreign organizations that provide or promote abortions, and calls for a review of Title X restrictions, which prevent organizations from performing or referring for abortions in family planning programs funded by federal tax dollars.“President Biden’s latest threat to freedom forces Americans to fund groups that perform or promote elective abortions ...
  • Despite previous loss, ACLU continues effort to halt public invocations in Tangipahoa Parish, La.