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Showing 4 results for "supreme court decision could impact womens sports"
  • … The U.S. Supreme Court has overturned Roe v. Wade in the case of Dobbs v. … one email each week, outlining things like: What the U.S. Supreme Court decided in Roe v. Wade and Planned Parenthood …
  • Take Action Your faith is what makes you who you are – it impacts everything about the way you live your life, including the way you run your business. While some business owners are cheered and commended when they blend certain beliefs and work, that isn’t always the case for Christian business owners. Now, more than ever, you need to know that, as a Christian business owner, you still have religious freedom. With recent significant cultural and legal changes in our society, we’ve created a legal guide to help you navigate potential challenges to your business. Whether you are the founder ...
  • Take Action Over the past 27 years, a surging pro-life movement has helped force the closure of 75 percent of surgical abortion businesses in America. But the work is not done. Nearly 500 abortion facilities still exist in the United States. That’s where you come in. As a sidewalk counselor, you can bring hope and clarity to women and men facing an unplanned or crisis pregnancy by connecting with them and empowering them to choose life. To do this work faithfully and effectively, however, you should familiarize yourself with your rights. Alliance Defending Freedom (ADF) and 40 Days for Life ...
  • … to face these dangerous ideologies and the threats they could present to your child’s wellbeing? Get free access to …