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Showing 11 results for "ben shapiro gets less enthusiastic welcome his alma mater ucla"
  • Parents have a fundamental human right to direct the upbringing of their children. Support ADF Now “Religious liberty may be the most significant civil rights issue of our time, and ADF is the foremost defender of free speech on the frontlines of the fight.” -- Kyle Mann, Editor in Chief, The Babylon Bee Help Defend Parental Rights Although the law recognizes the rights of parents, parental rights are under increasing attack from public school indoctrination, state governments, and even the federal government. Together with like-minded partners, Alliance Defending Freedom (ADF) advocates for ...
  • With the U.S. Supreme Court poised to overturn Roe v. Wade in the case of Dobbs v. Jackson Women’s Health Organization, everyone is talking about the future of abortion in America.
  • Do you know what your children and grandchildren are being taught in school? One Virginia school system’s “anti-racism” policy pressured students to see them themselves as either racist or oppressed. A Wisconsin school was caught with secret plan to “transition” a gender-confused high schooler against her parent’s wishes. Are you confident and equipped in your rights as a parent to face these dangerous ideologies and the threats they could present to your child’s wellbeing? Get free access to attend Alliance Defending Freedom’s free online training, Parental Rights in the Face of Critical ...
  • Christian students – from kindergarten through college – face an increasing level of censorship and even punishment for their Christian values. As the public school system increases its resistance to religious expression, you and your child need to be prepared to defend your rights. That’s why we’re offering this resource to you for free. Included in this guide are answers to questions like: What rights do individual K-12 students have to express their faith at school? What rights do religious clubs have to access secondary school facilities? What can students, coaches, and teachers do as part ...
  • … Jack Phillips has endured targeted attacks against him and his business, Masterpiece Cakeshop. Jack serves everyone; … celebrates events or expresses messages in conflict with his religious beliefs. Donate Now   ADF Client - Arlene's …
  • Activists and government officials are taking brash actions to indoctrinate the next generation in critical race and gender theories. “I support Alliance Defending Freedom because it is a fearless champion for liberty and has a solid track record of wins from state courts to the United States Supreme Court fighting for conservatives and Christians.” -- Erick Erickson Activists and government officials are taking brash actions to indoctrinate the next generation in critical race and gender theories. But in Virginia, they’re being challenged by three brave teachers who are standing for truth ...
  • Take Action Over the past 27 years, a surging pro-life movement has helped force the closure of 75 percent of surgical abortion businesses in America. But the work is not done. Nearly 500 abortion facilities still exist in the United States. That’s where you come in. As a sidewalk counselor, you can bring hope and clarity to women and men facing an unplanned or crisis pregnancy by connecting with them and empowering them to choose life. To do this work faithfully and effectively, however, you should familiarize yourself with your rights. Alliance Defending Freedom (ADF) and 40 Days for Life ...
  • Thank you for your generous gift! Your gift helps real people who want to freely live out their faith. Meet some of the people you are impacting! After 8 Years of Legal Battles and 2 Wins, Jack Phillips is STILL Being Sued Learn More Teachers Stand Up Against Harmful Loudoun County School District Policy Learn More Barronelle Stutzman Might Have a Chance at Justice Learn More
  • Alliance Defending Freedom represents people free of charge, but we can’t do it without your help. Your gift of $100 to the Freedom Fund will help Alliance Defending Freedom fight these battles and be ready when your rights are threatened. You know we are in a fight for our fundamental freedoms. Right now, churches are being told when and how they can meet. Public schools and athletic associations are allowing boys who identify as girls to compete in girls’ sports competitions. And government officials are trying to force creative professionals to express messages through their art that ...
  • President Biden's private employer COVID-19 mandate ignores the Constitution. Alliance Defending Freedom is challenging this government overreach. Support ADF Now Americans may have different opinions about COVID-19 vaccines, but every American should agree that the government’s national private employer vaccine mandate is a vast and unlawful power grab by the executive branch. The Biden administration has followed through on its promised vaccine mandate for private employers and it violates federal law and the U.S. Constitution. Alliance Defending Freedom is suing the administration ...