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Showing 2026 results for "detailspages blog details allianceedge 2020 03 21 how does coronavirus impact supreme court"
  • … after ADF attorneys filed a motion in the District Court of Harris County to quash the subpoena requests. … after ADF attorneys filed a motion in the District Court of Harris County to quash the subpoena requests. …
  • … of Vermont filed Baker v. Wildflower Inn in Vermont state court in July 2011 on behalf of the same-sex couple. The … of Vermont filed Baker v. Wildflower Inn in Vermont state court in July 2011 on behalf of the same-sex couple. The …
  • Tax agency misses legally required Sept. 11 deadline to produce information
  • The following quote may be attributed to Alliance Defending Freedom Senior Counsel Erik Baptist regarding a correction YouTube made to its “context” disclaimer on videos ADF posted on the platform explaining the serious harms abortion drugs can cause women. YouTube made the change after receiving a letter on Monday from 16 state attorneys general asking it to correct or remove the misleading disclaimer: “Women deserve to know the truth about the risks posed by abortion drugs, which is why first-hand accounts like the ones ADF posted on YouTube are so vital. Thanks to the leadership of state ...
  • WHO: Alliance Defending Freedom Senior Counsel Tyson Langhofer, director of the ADF Center for Academic Freedom WHAT: Testifying before the U.S. House Judiciary Subcommittee on the Constitution and Limited Government at its hearing “Free Speech: The Biden Administration’s Chilling of Parents’ Fundamental Rights” WHEN: Thursday, March 23, beginning at 2 p.m. EDT WHERE: Rayburn House Office Building, Room 2141, Washington ADDITIONAL INFORMATION: To schedule an interview, contact ADF Media Relations Specialist Hayden Sledge at (205) 767-4705. A livestream of the hearing will be available ...
  • The following quote may be attributed to Alliance Defending Freedom Senior Counsel Denise Burke regarding a Wyoming bill, the Life is a Human Right Act, which became law Friday and affirms the value of every innocent human life: “Every human life is valuable, and every baby deserves to be protected. We are glad that Wyoming continues to eagerly protect life and enact laws that seek to preserve the lives of children and protect the wellbeing of their mothers. All states—including Wyoming—have valid interests in preserving unborn life, as well as a duty to protect the health and safety of women ...
  • The following quote may be attributed to Alliance Defending Freedom President and CEO Michael Farris regarding the inauguration of Joe Biden as the next president of the United States:“On this Inauguration Day, we join with millions of our fellow Americans who are praying for the 46th president of the United States, Joe Biden. Many challenges lie ahead, and we pray for the president’s health and safety as he governs this great nation. While we are gravely concerned about his campaign positions, we pray that, as president, he would have a change of heart and protect everyone’s God-given ...
  • The following quote may be attributed to Alliance Defending Freedom Senior Counsel Matt Sharp, director of the ADF Center for Legislative Advocacy, regarding the U.S. House of Representatives’ passage Friday of H.R. 5, the Parents Bill of Rights Act: “Parents have a fundamental, constitutionally protected right to direct the upbringing of their children. This was rightfully acknowledged in Rep. Virginia Foxx’s amendment to the underlying bill. With the adoption of the Foxx amendment, the House affirmed that parental rights are entitled to protection from government interference just like every ...
  • The following quote may be attributed to Alliance Defending Freedom Senior Counsel Matt Sharp, director of the ADF Center for Legislative Advocacy, regarding Tennessee Gov. Bill Lee’s signing Wednesday of SB 466, a bill that protects freedom of conscience for teachers: “No one should be forced to contradict their core beliefs just to keep a job, yet we continue to see growing instances of teachers being confronted with that ultimatum. Many teachers can’t in good conscience speak messages that they do not believe to be true, and that includes addressing students by pronouns inconsistent with a ...
  • The following quote may be attributed to Alliance Defending Freedom Senior Counsel Greg Baylor regarding Minnesota Gov. Tim Walz’s signing Thursday of HF 16, a bill that censors conversations between clients and counselors by dictating what goals can be pursued and what ideas can be discussed: “The government has no business censoring conversations between patients and counselors. HF 16 jeopardizes constitutionally protected freedom of speech by allowing government officials to insert themselves into private, sensitive conversations between counselors and their clients. Counselors shouldn’t be ...