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Showing 2058 results for "3rd circuit hear christian colleges case against abortion pill mandate"
  • … government’s weaponization of the financial industry against peaceable religious and conservative groups. We won’t … government’s weaponization of the financial industry against peaceable religious and conservative groups. We won’t …
  • … medical procedures Published December 12, 2022 Related Case: Boe v. Marshall The following quote may be attributed …
  • The following quote may be attributed to Alliance Defending Freedom Senior Vice President of U.S. Legal Division Kristen Waggoner.
  • Name changed, mission same
  • The following quote may be attributed to Alliance Defending Freedom President and CEO Michael Farris regarding Monday’s Senate confirmation of Judge Amy Coney Barrett as the newest member of the U.S. Supreme Court: “On behalf of Alliance Defending Freedom, I want to congratulate Justice Amy Coney Barrett, the newest member of the U.S. Supreme Court and only the fifth female justice to serve on that bench. The American people count on our courts to apply the laws as written, not engage in judicial policymaking. In her confirmation process, Justice Barrett expressed a strong commitment to this ...
  • The following quote may be attributed to Alliance Defending Freedom CEO, President, and General Counsel Kristen Waggoner regarding the passing of retired U.S. Supreme Court Justice Sandra Day O’Connor: “On behalf of all of us at Alliance Defending Freedom, I wish to extend our condolences to the family, friends, and colleagues of Supreme Court Justice Sandra Day O’Connor. As the first woman appointed to the Supreme Court of the United States, Justice O’Connor was a pioneer and role model for many women in the legal profession and beyond. While her jurisprudence may have sparked disagreement at ...
  • The following quote may be attributed to Alliance Defending Freedom President and CEO Michael Farris regarding the violence at the U.S. Capitol Wednesday: “The violent actions at the U.S. Capitol must stop. Alliance Defending Freedom categorically condemns them. Over the last year, we’ve witnessed lawlessness on the left and now the right. Violence is never the answer, nor can it result in a durable, peaceful, and freedom-loving nation. America is not defeated by one election. America is defeated when we stop believing in and following our constitutional system. We still believe in America.” ...
  • The following quote may be attributed to Alliance Defending Freedom President and CEO Michael Farris regarding the inauguration of Joe Biden as the next president of the United States:“On this Inauguration Day, we join with millions of our fellow Americans who are praying for the 46th president of the United States, Joe Biden. Many challenges lie ahead, and we pray for the president’s health and safety as he governs this great nation. While we are gravely concerned about his campaign positions, we pray that, as president, he would have a change of heart and protect everyone’s God-given ...
  • The following quote may be attributed to Alliance Defending Freedom Senior Counsel Julie Marie Blake regarding a formal comment ADF attorneys submitted Monday with the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services urging it to protect all Americans’ freedom to live out their conscientious and religious convictions: “Americans shouldn’t be forced to violate their ethical and religious beliefs. Yet, every year, countless medical practitioners needlessly suffer threats to their livelihoods and affronts to their faith just for asserting their rights to conscience and religious freedom. It’s ...
  • WHO: Alliance Defending Freedom Senior Counsel Christiana Kiefer WHAT: Kiefer will be one of several speakers at Matt Walsh’s rally to protect children from harmful and life-altering medical procedures; she will be available for media interviews before the rally, which begins at 4 p.m. EDT. To schedule an interview, contact ADF Media Relations Specialist Jacqueline Ribeiro at (202) 961-9396. WHEN: Friday, Oct. 21, beginning at 4 p.m. EDT WHERE: War Memorial Plaza, 301 6th Ave. N., Nashville ADDITIONAL INFORMATION: Other speakers include Matt Walsh, Tulsi Gabbard, Sen. Marsha Blackburn, and ...