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Showing 1784 results for "ohio school district stop feds depriving special needs underprivileged children"
  • ADF attorneys represent Conestoga Wood Specialties in major win for freedom
  • The following quote may be attributed to Alliance Defending Freedom Senior Counsel and Vice President of Appellate Advocacy John Bursch regarding a friend-of-the-court brief ADF attorneys filed with the U.S. Supreme Court Thursday in Missouri Department of Corrections v. Finney, in which three prospective jurors were dismissed because of their religious beliefs: “American society has no place for religious tests for civic duty. What happened in Missouri is egregiously wrong and extremely troubling. Even though the prospective jurors made it clear that they would adhere to the law and judge ...
  • ADF-allied attorney seeks full disclosure of state funding under right-to-know law
  • The following quote may be attributed to Alliance Defending Freedom Senior Counsel and Vice President of Appellate Advocacy John Bursch, regarding a friend-of-the-court brief ADF attorneys filed Thursday with the U.S. Supreme Court urging it to hear Vitagliano v. County of Westchester, which centers on a devout Catholic occupational therapist challenging a New York county law that suppresses her First Amendment right to engage peacefully in sidewalk counseling with women considering an abortion: “Government officials shouldn’t have a free pass to silence speech in public places. The U.S ...
  • Court says administration can’t force organization, its employees to act contrary to their own pro-life beliefs
  • ADF attorneys available for media interviews prior to, following hearing Thursday
  • The following quote may be attributed to Alliance Defending Freedom Senior Counsel and Vice President of U.S. Litigation David Cortman regarding Nevada Gov. Steve Sisolak’s new guidance that allows churches to hold gatherings of 250 people or 50% capacity, whichever is less, while still allowing casinos to operate at 50% capacity without a hard cap on the number of casino goers: “The First Amendment requires churches not be treated like second-class citizens. Even with the governor’s new order allowing churches to gather in greater numbers, the problem remains: There is still a hard cap on ...
  • The following quote may be attributed to Alliance Defending Freedom Senior Counsel David Cortman regarding the U.S. Supreme Court’s 5-4 decision Friday declining to immediately halt enforcement of Nevada Gov. Steve Sisolak’s discriminatory restrictions on churches during the coronavirus pandemic: “The First Amendment requires the government to treat religious organizations, at a minimum, the same as comparable secular organizations. When the government treats churches worse than casinos, gyms, and indoor amusement parks in its COVID-19 response, it clearly violates the Constitution. As ...
  • ADF filed brief on behalf of 8,899 ministers, churches
  • The following quote may be attributed to Alliance Defending Freedom Senior Counsel Julie Marie Blake regarding a friend-of-the-court brief ADF attorneys filed Monday with the U.S. Supreme Court in Loper Bright Enterprises v. Raimondo on behalf of Christian Employers Alliance. In the brief, ADF attorneys urge the court to hold federal agency officials accountable when they exceed their executive authority by imposing mandates and spending tax dollars that harm the unborn, devalue religious freedom, and contradict biological distinctions based on sex, all without congressional authorization: ...