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Showing 2131 results for "us supreme court weigh texas law against cut run abortionists"
  • The following quote may be attributed to Alliance Defending Freedom Litigation Counsel Catherine Glenn Foster regarding the Obama administration’s decision to drop its opposition to a judge’s order in Tummino v. Hamburg that makes the Plan B abortion-inducing drug available over the counter to young girls without a prescription and without parental notice or consent: “The lives and health of young girls should be more important than the bottom line of those who sell abortion-inducing drugs. President Obama has yet again sided with Planned Parenthood, his favorite political ally and the single ...
  • New companies surveyed include Disney, Netflix, Lyft, Uber, Verizon, Progressive Insurance
  • Letter says Dedham officials must rescind order preventing church from having small services allowed under governor’s COVID-19 order
  • The following quote may be attributed to Alliance Defending Freedom Senior Legal Counsel Erik Stanley regarding the city of Houston’s preliminary response Friday to an ADF motion to quash the city’s request for the sermons and communications of pastors in Woodfill v. Parker: “The city of Houston still doesn’t get it. It thinks that by changing nothing in its subpoenas other than to remove the word ‘sermons’ that it has solved the problem. That solves nothing. Even though the pastors are not parties in this lawsuit, the subpoenas still demand from them 17 different categories of information – ...
  • The following quote may be attributed to Alliance Defending Freedom Senior Counsel Denise Burke regarding President Donald Trump’s executive order Friday that enhances legal protections for those born prematurely and babies who survive abortions: “Every human life is valuable, and every single baby deserves to be protected. While we are disappointed that Congress has failed to provide adequate legal protection for babies who survive abortions, we commend the White House for taking action to protect these children. We’ve heard tragic stories from medical professionals about babies left to die ...
  • Josephine, Douglas county churches can plan to resume worship without facing penalties
  • The following quote may be attributed to Alliance Defending Freedom General Counsel Kristen Waggoner regarding President Joe Biden’s executive order issued Thursday that revokes the Mexico City Policy, which banned the use of federal funds for foreign organizations that provide or promote abortions, and calls for a review of Title X restrictions, which prevent organizations from performing or referring for abortions in family planning programs funded by federal tax dollars.“President Biden’s latest threat to freedom forces Americans to fund groups that perform or promote elective abortions ...
  • The following quote may be attributed to Alliance Defending Freedom Senior Counsel Denise Burke regarding the Kansas Senate’s vote Monday, following the House’s lead, to override Gov. Laura Kelly’s veto of HB 2749, a bill designed to better inform better support programs for mothers and their children, advance medical research, and protect the health of women by ensuring that the reasons why a woman chooses abortion are reported: “Women deserve real health care that supports them during pregnancy and provides alternatives to the grave risks that abortion poses to women’s physical and ...
  • The following quote may be attributed to Alliance Defending Freedom Senior Counsel Denise Burke regarding Kansas Gov. Laura Kelly’s veto Friday of HB 2749, a bill designed to inform better support programs for mothers and their children, advance medical research, and protect the health of women by ensuring that the reasons why a woman chooses abortion are reported: “Women deserve real health care that supports them during pregnancy and provides alternatives to the grave risks that abortion poses to women’s physical and psychological health. We commend the Kansas Legislature for passing this ...
  • ADF letter explains student can’t be singled out for expressing his beliefs