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Showing 223 results for "does wall separation mean religious groups cant receive coronavirus aid"
  • If the government can stop loving Christian parents like Jessica Bates from adopting children in need—because of her beliefs—what can’t it do? As Jessica’s story shows, our freedoms are under increasing attack. That’s why we’re standing together to defend our God-given rights and liberties. When you join with Alliance Defending Freedom and become a Champion for Freedom, your first gift will be doubled while funds last, doubling your impact! Your monthly gift of $19 or more will help ADF take on cases large and small that advance our right to both speak and live the truth. We have won 15 U.S ...
  • … a child to identify as the opposite sex or take them to receive cross-sex hormone shots intended to block their … on Scripture or biology. It’s a blatant act of harm and religious discrimination, and it must end. In 2022, the … Will you consider a gift of any size today to help defend religious liberty and protect the “least of these”? Give …
  • Counselors are increasingly coming under threat from local, state, and federal laws and policies that seek to insert the government’s preferred views on gender into private conversations between a counselor and clients who are minors. Counselors are facing the prospect of making a choice no American should ever have to make: speak the truth to clients knowing they might face devastating consequences, or abandon their faith in order to speak only government-approved values and perspectives. The government has no business censoring conversations between clients and counselors, and Alliance ...
  • … is dedicated to standing up for your rights—protecting religious freedom, free speech, the sanctity of life, and the … help ADF in the fight for fundamental freedoms, you will receive a 3 x 5 foot American Flag. Act now to claim your … will help our team and 4,700+ network attorneys to protect religious freedom, free speech, the sanctity of life, …
  • When will it end? After ten years, Colorado cake artist Jack Phillips is still fighting for his right to speak freely. Even though the State of Colorado abandoned its prosecution of the cake artist, a local attorney is now going after Jack in civil court. The Colorado Court of Appeals just affirmed a trial court decision punishing Jack for not designing a custom cake celebrating a gender transition that an activist attorney requested. Alliance Defending Freedom is appealing that decision. What’s happened to Jack is a blatant of example of activists targeting, harassing, and punishing those who ...
  • … the world’s largest legal ministry committed to protecting religious liberty, freedom of speech, marriage and family, …
  • Gender theory is harming children and poisoning our culture. It’s just that simple. From the classrooms to the playing fields to adoption policy, gender theory seeks to distort the clear truth and is undermining one of the most foundational realities of what it means to be human: the fact that we are each created male or female. Alliance Defending Freedom is on the front lines, pushing back against gender theory in the culture and in the courtroom. We’re challenging policies like “gender transition” plans that mislead and deceive parents about the care of their children. And policies that ...
  • … ministries and schools to violate their beliefs to receive needed funding, kids in need lose. And this time, … in the past few years. And it’s a blatant violation of religious freedom. That’s why we’re challenging the actions … to help fight for Dayspring in federal court and defend religious freedom for all Americans? … Christian school …
  • … ministries and schools to violate their beliefs to receive needed funding, kids in need lose. And this time, … in the past few years. And it’s a blatant violation of religious freedom. That’s why we’re challenging the actions … to help fight for Dayspring in federal court and defend religious freedom for all Americans? … Christian school …
  • … issues that matter! Sign up for the Docket newsletter to receive our latest case updates and cultural commentary! … …