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Showing 130 results for "making impact indiana university"
  • … signed! Your participation matters greatly. Thank you for making your voice heard. YES, I STAND WITH THE BEE AND …
  • The Blackstone Legal Fellowship gives the next generation of Christian leaders the education and tools they need to defend your constitutional freedoms—whether it be in the courtroom, in the halls of government, or in other leadership positions. But training these impressive young people to stand up, fight, and win for your freedom is only possible with God’s blessing (John 15:5) and your faithful support. Your gift today will help build up the Blackstone fellowship program and serve as a lifelong investment in the next generation of Christian leaders who will be equipped to protect your most ...
  • Thank you so much for your partnership! It’s an honor and privilege to steward the gifts you’ve given to help ensure that every person has the God-given right to live and speak the truth. Our CEO, President, and General Counsel Kristen Waggoner wants to thank you for all that you’re helping make possible and let you know why she’s hopeful in this moment. In this video, you’ll learn how your generosity is helping to resist de-banking, promote laws that advance truth and freedom, oppose the Biden administration’s attempt to rewrite Title IX, and more. Thank you for standing for freedom! See Your ...
  • The Blackstone Legal Fellowship gives the next generation of Christian leaders the education and tools they need to advance your right to live and speak the truth—whether it be in the courtroom, in the halls of government, or in other leadership positions. But training these impressive young people to stand up and win for your freedom—and helping give them a lifelong community they can turn to—is only possible with God’s blessing (John 15:5) and your faithful support. Your gift today will help train and equip Christian law students. And it will serve as a lifelong investment in the next ...
  • … victories. They are your victories, too. Thank YOU for making the choice to help defend religious liberty, free …
  • "ADF is the leading organization when it comes to fighting for our most important freedoms to express ourselves and live out our beliefs." - Kyle Mann, Editor in Chief Our freedoms are under increasing attack. That’s why we are standing together to defend our God-given rights and liberties. Your monthly gift of $19 or more will help Alliance Defending Freedom take on cases large and small that advance our right to both speak and live the truth. We have won 15 U.S. Supreme Court Cases in the last 12 years and more than 500 other important legal victories since our ministry’s founding, so you ...
  • Parents have the responsibility to direct their children’s general health and well-being. And the Constitution protects the fundamental rights of parents to raise and educate their children consistent with their beliefs and values. But, unfortunately, that hasn’t stopped some government officials from trying to interfere with parental rights and undercut the important role of mothers and fathers in their children’s lives. For example, more and more school districts are ignoring parents’ instructions and even concealing information about their children’s education on critical issues like sex ...
  • Alliance Defending Freedom is fighting for Dr. Fox and others like him in the courtroom, but we cannot do it without your support today.
  • Travis Allen and his daughter, Blake, were suspended for speaking up.
  • Government officials—including those in the Biden administration—are getting bolder. Together with the Far-Left, they’re trying to create a radically different America. We’re seeing unprecedented levels of government overreach across the nation, and we must fight it. But to do that, we need your help. Most people would be powerless to defend themselves against their own government. But praise God that because of you, your fellow Americans have hope. They have allies who will stand with them and fight for them. Every $1 you give today will be DOUBLED—up to $500,000—thanks to a limited-time ...