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Showing 155 results for "detailspages biography details steven o ban"
  • The U.S. Food & Drug Administration (FDA), mainstream media, and pro-abortion forces have not been honest about the dangers of abortion drugs and how the FDA has put women and girls at risk by removing important safety standards. Are abortion drugs safe and effective, as the FDA claims? Was the removal of safety standards a science-based decision? Are abortion drugs just a basic part of reproductive care? Finding truthful answers to those questions can be difficult, and this issue can be challenging for Americans to discuss. That’s why Alliance Defending Freedom has created a short, accessible ...
  • Our First Amendment right to free speech advances human flourishing, protects other civil liberties, and allows people with diverse views to live together well.
  • We need your help! Speak up and support this first-of-its-kind lawsuit challenging the FDA’s reckless approval of harmful chemical abortion drugs. The Biden administration’s FDA even recently updated the rules to make the two chemical abortion drugs even more widely available. When you sign the pledge below and affirm your support to hold the FDA accountable, you’ll immediately get access to an exclusive copy of “Debunking the Abortion Lobby’s Top 5 Lies,” a helpful resource that you can share with friends and family. Thank you for standing with us to protect women and girls from the FDA’s ...
  • In Connecticut, boys who identify as female can compete in girls’ athletic events. As a result, female athletes like Selina Soule, Alanna Smith, Chelsea Mitchell, and Ashley Nicoletti have been deprived of honors and opportunities to compete at elite levels. It’s wrong. It’s not a fair playing field. And you can help do something about it. If we stand on the sidelines, women and girls—maybe even one of your loved ones—will soon be forced to become spectators in their own sports. A broad coalition of athletes, Olympians, coaches, sports officials, 23 states, and several athletic and advocacy ...
  • Each year, hundreds of critical legal battles affecting your religious freedom and the God-given rights of people of faith are waged with the help of the ADF Grants and Funding program. In the months ahead, we expect to continue to be flooded with grant requests! But we can only hope to meet these rising needs through the grace of God and the generous support of Ministry Friends like you. Your commitment to help preserve the God-given rights of every American helps us stand in the gap for freedom. Would you prayerfully consider joining the Frontline for Freedom by committing to a monthly gift ...
  • Parents who want to adopt shouldn’t face discrimination for their deeply held Christian beliefs. They shouldn’t be denied access to available government opportunities because of their faith. Yet that’s precisely what’s happening to Jessica Bates—a mother of five who is seeking to adopt and care for a sibling pair. Oregon is flat-out rejecting Jessica’s application for failing to “meet the adoption home standards.” In other words, she won’t tell boys they can be girls and girls they can be boys, take children to events like Pride parades, or facilitate a child’s access to potentially ...
  • School is back in session and parents need to know what’s happening in their child’s school. Are they being exposed to inappropriate materials on sexuality and gender? Do parents have the option to opt their kids out of such curriculum? Does the school have a secret policy to “transition” confused students without the knowledge or consent of their parents? Activists promoting harmful gender ideology are putting the health and innocence of children at risk. But many parents aren’t sure what do to protect their children. That’s why Alliance Defending Freedom has created a short, free guide to ...
  • They are lying about ADF. Here’s how you can fight back. Alliance Defending Freedom and the right to live and speak freely are under attack. When the U.S. Supreme Court decided 303 Creative v. Elenis in favor of Lorie Smith and free speech, it was a win for all Americans. Yet, within hours, opponents of free speech launched a coordinated attack against ADF and Lorie Smith. Lies and misinformation are being spread by current and former Biden administration officials, Colorado’s Attorney General, activists, and liberal media outlets in an unprovoked and coordinated attack on the integrity of ADF ...
  • The threats to religious freedom are clear and present. But Alliance Defending Freedom, by God’s grace and with your support, is standing up and facing the challenges in courtrooms and legislatures across the country. We’ve been defending religious freedom for over document.write(new Date().getFullYear() - 1994); years, and with 15 victories at the Supreme Court just since 2011, we’re working to secure freedom’s future for all Americans. As one supporter recently said, “I didn’t know you existed, but you’ve been defending me all these years.” Your tax-deductible gift today will help ADF ...
  • Around the world, it’s becoming more difficult—and dangerous—for Christians to live out their faith.