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Showing 163 results for "aclu tried sue catholic bishops lost again"
  • Lorie Smith rejoices after seven-year battle for free speech On June 30, the U.S. Supreme Court ruled 6-3 in favor of free speech and graphic artist Lorie Smith in 303 Creative v. Elenis. Praise God! This is a landmark victory upholding the First Amendment’s promise of free speech to all Americans. Colorado can no longer misuse the law to coerce or silence speech. The Supreme Court made clear that the First Amendment prevents the government from forcing Americans to say things they don’t believe. As the Court wrote: “But, as this Court has long held, the opportunity to think for ourselves and ...
  • When Elizabeth faced an unexpected pregnancy shortly after graduating college, she didn’t know where to turn. Although she was unsure about pursuing abortion, her boyfriend at the time wanted her to go to Planned Parenthood—and soon she found herself being coerced to take abortion drugs. Elizabeth was assured that when she took the drugs, all she would experience would be “light cramping,” and that she would be “back to work on Monday.” But this is a far cry from what Elizabeth went through. Elizabeth was abandoned when she was most in need. No one told her about the pain she would go through ...
  • We live in strange times, when basic truths are denied, and God-given freedoms are undermined by those meant to protect us. With the many challenges we face, ADF is focusing on three areas where we expect to see your God-given rights threatened: rising government censorship, increasing dangers posed by gender ideology, and attacks on parental rights. ADF is going on the offense to see that your freedoms are protected—that the stand for freedom is being strengthened in 2024. So we need your help. Because the threats are present, the time is urgent to continue to build the strongest team ...
  • We live in strange times, when basic truths are denied, and God-given freedoms are undermined by those meant to protect us. With the many challenges we face, ADF is focusing on three areas where we expect to see your God-given rights threatened: rising government censorship, increasing dangers posed by gender ideology, and attacks on parental rights. And we also know that, even after the fall of Roe v. Wade, attacks on life—and on the laws that protect the unborn—will likely rise in the next year. ADF is going on the offense to see that your freedoms are protected—that the stand for freedom is ...
  • Your gift right now will help defend free speech in crucial cases where your right to free speech is at risk.
  • Defend Your Freedoms & God-Given Rights Your God-given rights are facing mounting threats. And there’s simply too much at stake to not act. Will you stand with Alliance Defending Freedom at this critical moment and help take on three threats to the rights of all Americans in 2024? Your tax-deductible year-end gift—doubled by a $500,000 matching grant, while funds last—will help challenge: Government censorship: The attacks on conscience are increasing as activists use government power to censor our speech. The redefinition of what it means to be male and female: Advocates of gender ideology in ...
  • The censorship at America’s colleges and universities must stop. And we need your support to bring First Amendment freedoms back to our nation’s campuses. A university is supposed to be a “marketplace” for ideas. Unfortunately, more and more college campuses are silencing students through discriminatory policies, speech codes, and even no-contact orders. Maggie DeJong’s story is case in point. As a graduate student in art therapy counseling at Southern Illinois University Edwardsville (SIUE), Maggie wanted an education that would make her the best counselor she could be. Just like many of her ...
  • What would happen to faith-based nonprofits like pregnancy resource centers or homeless shelters if the government stopped them from hiring only employees who agreed with and lived out the organization’s values? According to two U.S. Supreme Court justices, “many non-profits would be extinguished from participation in public life.” But a Washington state employment law is being used to threaten the work of religious ministries. In 2021, the Washington Supreme Court ruled that religious organizations could be forced to hire people who disagree with, and refuse to live out, the ministries’ ...
  • Now there’s no doubt. Detailed information released this week by the U.S. House Select Subcommittee on the Weaponization of the Federal Government makes plain that the Biden administration has been partnering with major banks and payment processors to censor non-profit ministries and threaten the freedom of everyday Americans. And now, the subcommittee has revealed that the government has targeted Alliance Defending Freedom. We’ve been unlawfully swept up in the federal government’s “domestic terrorist” dragnet. While ADF was advocating on behalf of the freedom of EVERY American to live ...
  • "ADF is the leading organization when it comes to fighting for our most important freedoms to express ourselves and live out our beliefs." - Kyle Mann, Editor in Chief Our freedoms are under increasing attack. That’s why we are standing together to defend our God-given rights and liberties. Your monthly gift of $19 or more will help Alliance Defending Freedom take on cases large and small that advance our right to both speak and live the truth. We have won 15 U.S. Supreme Court Cases in the last 12 years and more than 500 other important legal victories since our ministry’s founding, so you ...