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Showing 217 results for "two courts two rulings why liberty has take long shot"
  • … were able to defend me. And I won. Now, the university has revised its policies to provide more protections for …
  • It’s costly to tell the truth today. It can cost you your reputation, your livelihood, and even your friends and family. But far greater is the cost of not standing up to these lies—especially in America’s schools. When the government shuts down speech, it teaches the next generation what is and isn’t acceptable to say. When the government hides critical information from parents, it drives a wedge between parents and their children—and leaves kids vulnerable to damaging lies. When the government bows to the idea that speech and ideas can be violence, it teaches our future leaders to choose ...
  • As we celebrate the resurrection of Jesus this Easter season, there are growing threats to those who serve Him.
  • It’s clear: government officials are trying to bypass the First Amendment to keep ideas they disagree with out of the marketplace. But we will not stand by silently. It’s time for them to learn just how many Americans STAND WITH THE BEE and will raise their voice in defense of free speech. Will you sign your name to our secure Statement of Support and stand with The Babylon Bee today? Join the more than 48,000 people who have signed! Your participation matters greatly. Thank you for making your voice heard. YES, I STAND WITH THE BEE AND AGAINST STATE CENSORSHIP!
  • The Blackstone Legal Fellowship gives the next generation of Christian leaders the education and tools they need to defend your constitutional freedoms—whether it be in the courtroom, in the halls of government, or in other leadership positions. But training these impressive young people to stand up, fight, and win for your freedom is only possible with God’s blessing (John 15:5) and your faithful support. Your gift today will help build up the Blackstone fellowship program and serve as a lifelong investment in the next generation of Christian leaders who will be equipped to protect your most ...
  • Government officials—including those in the Biden administration—are getting bolder. Together with the Far-Left, they’re trying to create a radically different America. We’re seeing unprecedented levels of government overreach across the nation, and we must fight it. But to do that, we need your help. Most people would be powerless to defend themselves against their own government. But praise God that because of you, your fellow Americans have hope. They have allies who will stand with them and fight for them. Every $1 you give today will be DOUBLED—up to $500,000—thanks to a limited-time ...
  • Free speech is under threat in America. Lydia Booth, a brave Mississippi 3rd grader was silenced by her school for wearing her “Jesus Loves Me” mask. Though we won the case and the school dropped the policy, this is far from the only important free speech case. When you support Alliance Defending Freedom’s effort to protect speech, it’s not just for our courageous clients. It’s YOUR rights that are at stake as well. Can the government fire you for your comments it doesn’t like that you posted on a personal blog? They did that to volunteer fire chaplain Dr. Andrew Fox. Can activists or ...
  • Right now, government officials here and around the world are trying to make faith a private matter. Under this worldview, beliefs—including historic Christian beliefs—that the state doesn’t like must be silenced. This is wrong. It violates the God-given dignity of every human being. And you can help do something about it. Your gift today is critical. The generosity of people like you will help protect your right to raise your family, live out your beliefs, and express your faith—without fear of government punishment. Whatever you give will be combined with a special $500,000 challenge grant ...
  • Parents have the responsibility to direct their children’s upbringing. But today, tragically, some government officials are intentionally undercutting the important role of mothers and fathers in their children’s lives. And in one of the most egregious examples of this, there are school districts across the country that advance the idea that gender is socially constructed and that it can be chosen and changed. This flatly contradicts the Bible’s teaching and obvious biological truth. This lie is causing real-world harm, as school districts enable and sometimes coerce teachers and school ...
  • Gender theory is harming children and poisoning our culture. It’s just that simple. From the classrooms to the playing fields to adoption policy, gender theory seeks to distort the clear truth and is undermining one of the most foundational realities of what it means to be human: the fact that we are each created male or female. Alliance Defending Freedom is on the front lines, pushing back against gender theory in the culture and in the courtroom. We’re challenging policies like “gender transition” plans that mislead and deceive parents about the care of their children. And policies that ...