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Showing 204 results for "detailspages press release details firearms sight manufacturer targets abortion pill mandate"
  • There's a struggle for truth playing out across our nation. Many of those in power are trying to intimidate and silence those who believe in our God-given freedoms. But through the generosity of our Ministry Friends like you, we're standing for the right to speak freely with courageous clients like Lorie Smith, who just won her landmark victory for free speech at the U.S. Supreme Court. Even after her win in 303 Creative v. Elenis—ADF's 15th Supreme Court victory in 12 years—she was smeared and lied about in the media and by government officials. But Lorie's win was a win for all to speak ...
  • Our First Amendment right to free speech advances human flourishing, protects other civil liberties, and allows people with diverse views to live together well.
  • Who is Liam? Liam is a 12-year-old student at Nichols Middle School in Middleborough, Massachusetts. He was punished by the school for wearing a t-shirt that says, “There are only two genders.” Why what happened to Liam matters Students don’t forfeit their free speech when they walk into school. It’s not just about a shirt—it’s about government officials telling a middle-schooler that he can’t say something that’s important to him, just because they disapprove of what he said. That’s not freedom. If the government can censor Liam, it can censor any student. The School’s Actions are Illegal All ...
  • Coach David Bloch has given so much to the snowboarding program at Woodstock Union High School (WUHS) in Vermont. As the founder of the program, he has invested countless hours in student athletes. But none of that mattered when Coach Bloch respectfully shared his beliefs regarding gender with two athletes—and became the latest American punished for acknowledging biological reality. When the WUHS women’s snowboarding team was scheduled to compete against a team that included a male, two student athletes were discussing the issue. Coach Bloch overheard the conversation and simply spoke to the ...
  • When Deb Figliola, a teacher in Harrisonburg, Virginia, was asked to lie to parents about their own children, she knew she had to stand for what’s right. She just could not deceive parents about her students. Deb teaches special education and English to middle schoolers who are reading and writing significantly below their level. And she absolutely loves what she does. But after the Harrisonburg City Public School Board instituted a new policy that upended parents’ right to direct the upbringing of their children, she knew she had to challenge the board’s violations of parents’ rights ...
  • Get your copy of The First Amendment: 3 Myths & 3 Facts now and be prepared to effectively defend free speech in conversations with friends and family.
  • $4.6 MILLION FISCAL YEAR-END GOAL Your God-given rights are facing mounting threats. There’s too much at stake to be silent. Please stand with us in this critical moment. Your right to live and speak the truth is at risk. Religious freedom is being restricted. Free speech is being muzzled. The rights of the family are being suppressed. Alliance Defending Freedom is in courts nationwide, holding accountable government officials who are misusing the justice system to coerce and silence their ideological opponents. Thanks be to God, we’ve won 15 victories at the U.S. Supreme ...
  • The First Amendment to the U.S. Constitution protects freedom of speech for all Americans. Sadly, many do not understand what the First Amendment protects and what it doesn’t. Alliance Defending Freedom is committed to helping you understand the key principles the First Amendment embodies. In our free guide you’ll learn whether: Governments can silence “offensive” speech Governments can silence speech determined to be “dangerous” The First Amendment protects unpopular speech from private (non-government) consequences DOWNLOAD NOW Learn More About Freedom of Speech We hope ...
  • People should be free to express their beliefs without the threat of government punishment. But right now, New York threatens to misuse the law to punish Emilee for her views on marriage unless we stand up and win in court. That’s why Emilee Carpenter needs your support as Alliance Defending Freedom stands with Emilee for her right to speak freely. A win for Emilee is a win for free speech. Our work to defend Americans like Emilee relies on the support of people like you. Alliance Defending Freedom needs more support to take on dangerous laws like these that impose serious penalties on ...
  • ADF is an alliance-building legal organization that advances our God-given rights to live and speak the Truth. In courtrooms and legislatures in the U.S. and around the world, we protect and preserve religious freedom, free speech, the sanctity of human life, marriage and the family, and parental rights. But no single organization can do this alone. The alliance starts with you. Join us in our efforts to advance freedom by sharing how we can best get in touch with you.