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Showing 127 results for "detailspages faith justice details statue"
  • The Biden administration is pressuring Big Tech to filter the information Americans can receive on social media, which manipulates, how Americans think. The impact is far-reaching—beliefs are being silenced on social media. Yet the administration denies any wrongdoing. In fact, it’s appealing a federal court ruling that deemed the administration’s behavior “arguably … the most massive attack against free speech in United States’ history.” But what do YOU believe?
  • We are incredibly blessed to be welcoming 192 remarkable Christian law students from across the United States and around the globe to the 24th class of Blackstone Legal Fellowship! As one way of communicating support to this year’s Blackstone Interns, we are inviting you to write notes of encouragement to the incoming class. We look forward to hearing of the ways God will use these notes to bless the incoming students and of the fruit that your encouragement will help produce! Thank you for your continued support of the Blackstone Legal Fellowship.
  • The Biden administration is taking away lunch money from low-income kids who attend Christian schools like Dayspring Christian Learning Center in El Cajon, CA. Why? Because their school doesn’t agree with the government’s radical gender ideology. Tell the administration to stop using kids and their lunches as leverage to FORCE Christian schools to abandon their beliefs. Schools like Dayspring are being targeted by federal and state officials. This is wrong. Christian students and their schools shouldn’t be forced to give up critical lunch funding to follow their beliefs. Sign your name and ...
  • Alliance Defending Freedom was proud to serve on the Mississippi legal team that overturned Roe. Now we’re taking the next crucial steps to advance the cause of freedom, including: Protecting the conscience rights of Americans like Minnesota pharmacist George Badeaux, who was sued because he can’t dispense a drug that may cause an abortion. George is a Christian who believes that an embryo is a new human life—he shouldn’t be forced to violate his beliefs in the workplace. Defending the right of states to enforce life-affirming laws. We’re assisting the Idaho Attorney General’s Office in ...
  • Radical gender activism continues to make alarming inroads into mainstream medicine. While the medical field exists to promote health and human flourishing, far too many no longer adhere to the concept of “do no harm.” Instead, they promote harmful “gender affirming care,” which denies biological reality, and they push harmful cross-sex hormones and dangerous surgeries which permanently alter children’s bodies. Children cannot consent to drugs and surgeries that catastrophically and permanently harm their bodies. Alabama wants to protect minors from destructive and unnecessary medical ...
  • Coercing Lorie to express what she does not believe is downright unconstitutional. With assistance from the attorneys at Alliance Defending Freedom, Lorie has taken her case to the Supreme Court, where she is standing to set a firm precedent for the free-speech rights of every American. She’ll stand against both the State of Colorado and the Biden administration, both of whom are fighting to deny her the right to speak freely. This type of government coercion can affect anyone—including you and your family. Please sign your name below to stand with Lorie and her family—and for free speech ...
  • Gender theory is harming children and poisoning our culture. It’s just that simple. From the classrooms to the playing fields to adoption policy, gender theory seeks to distort the clear truth and is undermining one of the most foundational realities of what it means to be human: the fact that we are each created male or female. Alliance Defending Freedom is on the front lines, pushing back against gender theory in the culture and in the courtroom. We’re challenging policies like “gender transition” plans that mislead and deceive parents about the care of their children. And policies that ...
  • In Connecticut, boys who identify as female can compete in girls’ athletic events. As a result, female athletes like Selina Soule, Alanna Smith, Chelsea Mitchell, and Ashley Nicoletti have been deprived of honors and opportunities to compete at elite levels. It’s wrong. It’s not a fair playing field. And you can help do something about it. If we stand on the sidelines, women and girls—maybe even one of your loved ones—will soon be forced to become spectators in their own sports. A broad coalition of athletes, Olympians, coaches, sports officials, 23 states, and several athletic and advocacy ...
  • There’s no denying it. Conversations with friends and family about abortion are becoming increasingly heated and emotional. However, the historic outcome of Dobbs v. Jackson Women’s Health Organization—the U.S. Supreme Court case that overturned Roe v. Wade—provides a unique opportunity to dispel common myths about abortion while compassionately defending unborn lives and their mothers. Alliance Defending Freedom has created a short, free guide to equip you to be a voice for the voiceless in everyday conversations and help defend life called Life: 3 Myths & 3 Facts. Download the guide and be ...
  • In Connecticut, boys who identify as female can compete in girls’ athletic events. As a result, female athletes like Selina Soule, Alanna Smith, Chelsea Mitchell, and Ashley Nicoletti have been deprived of honors and opportunities to compete at elite levels. It’s wrong. It’s not a fair playing field. And you can help do something about it. If we stand on the sidelines, women and girls—maybe even one of your loved ones—will soon be forced to become spectators in their own sports. A broad coalition of athletes, Olympians, coaches, sports officials, 23 states, and several athletic and advocacy ...