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Showing 64 results for "detailspages biography details tim chandler"
  • With attacks on your God-given freedoms increasing, your monthly gift is critical.
  • When Hamouda became a Christian, he faced immense opposition. His wife, Nada, was still Muslim at the time, and her family was shocked. When Hamouda converted to Christianity, Nada’s family applied immense pressure for her and their children to abandon Hamouda and return to live with her family. In Sudan, the Sharia court dissolved their marriage, deeming it unlawful for a Muslim woman to be married to a Christian man. But by God’s providence, Nada later became a Christian, too—and reunited with her husband. The prosecutors wanted to charge them with apostasy—the “crime” of converting from ...
  • Federal, state, and local governments are pushing a radical gender ideology that says gender is determined by our feelings rather than by biology. But perhaps most dangerous of all, some officials want to censor any debate regarding gender ideology—and this censorship has also made its way into schools. Liam Morrison, a 12-year-old student at Nichols Middle School in Middleborough, Massachusetts, is all too familiar with this censorship. When Liam wore a T-shirt to school that said, “There are only two genders,” the school responded by promptly pulling him out of class and ordering him to ...
  • The cruelty against Jack Phillips continues. Will you pray for him? You know his story: Jack is the cake artist from Colorado who serves all people but could not—and cannot—create a custom cake that expresses a message he does not believe. For Jack and so many other Christian artists, it’s never about the who. It’s always about what message they’re being asked to communicate. He cannot express every message asked of him. And because our nation’s Constitution protects free speech, he doesn’t have to. After ten years, and despite two victories, he’s still being targeted by activists who want to ...
  • We live in strange times, when basic truths are denied, and God-given freedoms are undermined by those meant to protect us. With the many challenges we face, ADF is focusing on three areas where we expect to see your God-given rights threatened: rising government censorship, increasing dangers posed by gender ideology, and attacks on parental rights. ADF is going on the offense to see that your freedoms are protected—that the stand for freedom is being strengthened in 2024. So we need your help. Because the threats are present, the time is urgent to continue to build the strongest team ...
  • We live in strange times, when basic truths are denied, and God-given freedoms are undermined by those meant to protect us. With the many challenges we face, ADF is focusing on three areas where we expect to see your God-given rights threatened: rising government censorship, increasing dangers posed by gender ideology, and attacks on parental rights. And we also know that, even after the fall of Roe v. Wade, attacks on life—and on the laws that protect the unborn—will likely rise in the next year. ADF is going on the offense to see that your freedoms are protected—that the stand for freedom is ...
  • Each year, hundreds of critical legal battles affecting your religious freedom and the freedoms of countless others are waged with the help of the ADF Grants and Funding program. In the months ahead, we expect to continue to be flooded with grant requests! Your tax-deductible gift today will help the Grants and Funding program respond to the growing threats to your most cherished freedoms and your brothers and sisters in Christ. We never want to turn down an important grant because of a lack of funds. Every $1 you give today can have up to four times the impact thanks to the donated time and ...
  • The God-given right to free speech protects the freedom to pursue what is true and to share your beliefs with others. And it’s a right that only exists on paper unless we have the true freedom to live it out. But across the country, elites in government, the media, and big tech are compelling people to speak messages that violate their fundamental convictions—or be silent. These powerful elites want to force us to accept—and repeat—the lies that men can become women, that unborn lives don’t matter, and that faith should be kept private. We know the truth, and it’s time to speak up. Alliance ...
  • Free speech is under threat in America. Lydia Booth, a brave Mississippi 3rd grader was silenced by her school for wearing her “Jesus Loves Me” mask. Though we won the case and the school dropped the policy, this is far from the only important free speech case. When you support Alliance Defending Freedom’s effort to protect speech, it’s not just for our courageous clients. It’s YOUR rights that are at stake as well. Can the government fire you for your comments it doesn’t like that you posted on a personal blog? They did that to volunteer fire chaplain Dr. Andrew Fox. Can activists or ...
  • Seventh-grader Liam Morrison wanted to participate in the national conversation about sex and gender. That’s his right as an American. Unfortunately, his Massachusetts school only allowed for one opinion—theirs. So when Liam wore a shirt to school that said “There are only two genders,” school officials pulled him from class and told him to take it off or be sent home. He bravely stood up to the unlawful demands, and now attorneys with Alliance Defending Freedom are suing to protect his right to speak without fear of government punishment. But he’s far from the only American who is facing ...