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Showing 149 results for "Ike"
  • We're in a new stage in the fight for life. With Roe v. Wade out of the way, state and federal lawmakers are now empowered to protect life, but there is growing opposition to defending women and their unborn children. And there’s still so much work to do. Your gift to Alliance Defending Freedom today will help: Stand up to the Biden administration’s unlawful actions and defend states’ pro-life laws. The Biden administration is manipulating federal law to try to override Idaho’s Defense of Life Act and force emergency room doctors to perform abortions. Idaho’s law protects the lives of women ...
  • “Every day we hear about religious freedoms and other basic civil rights being sabotaged by powerful organizations and un-American interests. One entity is fighting back on behalf of average Americans daily. That organization is the Alliance Defending Freedom.” - Sebastian Gorka Ph.D Our God-given freedoms face increasing threats from overreaching government officials. This is more than just a struggle for court victories. It’s a battle for truth, and one of the ways we win is by standing together to protect our God-given rights. You can do that right now by partnering with ADF with a monthly ...
  • Hello friends. As we step into 2024, I want to let you know how thankful I am for you and your support. 2023 was a turbulent year for Americans, with continued threats to our God-given right to live and speak the Truth, plus a challenging economy and deep instability around the world. In our cultural moment, speaking and acting truthfully—with love—is vital. You chose to stand with Alliance Defending Freedom in your end-of-year giving. From our entire team, thank you. We know that none of our victories—not a single one—are possible apart from the grace of God and the support of Ministry ...
  • What is happening? At a time when the need to provide children with a stable and loving home is at a point of “crisis,” many states are forcing adoptive parents to pass an ideological litmus test to qualify. In some states, if the parents aren’t willing to push the government’s message on sexuality and gender, they can’t adopt. Simply put: government officials and policies are actively discriminating against Americans of faith—prioritizing ideology over the needs of kids. That’s cruel, it harms children, and it’s unconstitutional. Who is harmed? Nearly 400,000 children are currently in the ...
  • Each one of us, made in the image of God, has inalienable rights given to us by our Creator. These rights include free speech and the freedom of religion. These freedoms protect every American’s ability to live according to their beliefs. Yet, threats to these rights are mounting. We’re seeing federal, state, and local governments trying to enforce gender ideology across our education system and even health services. And parental rights are now being threatened by public school districts and state governments. You can take action to help secure these and more freedoms today. It's only through ...
  • Your gift will help protect parents’ rights and stop discrimination against children!
  • Government officials—including those in the Biden administration—are getting bolder. Together with the Far-Left, they’re trying to create a radically different America. We’re seeing unprecedented levels of government overreach across the nation, and we must fight it. But to do that, we need your help. Most people would be powerless to defend themselves against their own government. But praise God that because of you, your fellow Americans have hope. They have allies who will stand with them and fight for them. Our work relies on the support of Americans like you. What can you give today? Thank ...
  • Parents nationwide are standing up for their children and their God-given freedoms. Will you stand with them? DEFEND PARENTAL RIGHTS How would you feel if your child was being taught to treat other children differently based on the color of their skin? that whether someone will be successful in life is based on whether they are black or white? that their skin color determines whether they are an “oppressor” or “oppressed”? And—most disturbingly—what if they were being taught this by their own school? Sadly, this is precisely the type of race-based division pushed on kids in many public schools ...
  • Every generation has a battle to fight. And today, we face an unprecedented challenge. Our culture has rejected the very foundations on which our liberty was built. And that leaves your freedoms under threat. That’s why courageous people who are willing to stand firm come to Alliance Defending Freedom for help. Through the generosity of people like you, we protect their God-given rights—and yours—in courtrooms and legislatures around the country and across the world. If you want to support the work of ADF through a non-cash gift, please use the form below to begin the process. You will receive ...
  • Far-left activists and some government officials want to restrict your freedoms. But you can defend your religious freedom today!