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Showing 131 results for "detailspages press release details planned parenthood abuses american taxpayer loses"
  • Your generous financial support makes it possible for Alliance Defending Freedom and its more than 4,900 Network Attorneys to defend religious liberty, the sanctity of human life, freedom of speech, and marriage and the family in America and around the world. Please complete the form to update your tax-deductible, monthly gift today.
  • Our culture lies to pregnant women, and tells them that abortion is “health care,” that it’s a simple, painless procedure. In truth, abortion destroys innocent life and often leaves women struggling with significant physical and psychological pain. Alliance Defending Freedom is the world's largest legal organization committed to protecting religious freedom, free speech, the sanctity of life, parental rights, and God's design for marriage and family. When it comes to these issues, we aren’t on the sidelines—we're in the action achieving significant victories for freedom. We were honored to ...
  • There are growing threats to those who serve Jesus. Activist officials are seeking to silence and coerce those who speak and live consistent with the Christian faith—here in America and around the world. It's only through the generosity of friends like you that we can defend people of faith in courtrooms around the world. Now as much as ever, we need your help to stand with them. Will you help defend the faithful and advance the right to live and speak the truth by making a gift right now? Your doubled gift will make an immediate impact and help us walk boldly into the wind to defend our ...
  • As we celebrate the resurrection of Jesus this Easter season, there are growing threats to those who serve Him.
  • Right now, government officials here and around the world are trying to make faith a private matter. Under this worldview, beliefs—including historic Christian beliefs—that the state doesn’t like must be silenced. This is wrong. It violates the God-given dignity of every human being. And you can help do something about it. Your gift today is critical. The generosity of people like you will help protect your right to raise your family, live out your beliefs, and express your faith—without fear of government punishment. Whatever you give will be combined with a special $500,000 challenge grant ...
  • There are growing threats to those who serve Jesus. Activist officials are seeking to silence and coerce those who speak and live consistent with the Christian faith—here in America and across the globe. It's only through the generosity of friends like you that we can defend people of faith in courtrooms around the world. Every year, Alliance Defending Freedom receives thousands of requests for legal assistance—and that represents just a fraction of people whose rights are threatened by the government. Now as much as ever, we need your help to stand with them. Will you help defend the faithful ...
  • When the government discriminates against foster/adoptive parents based on their religious beliefs, children are harmed. These kids need a forever home—not political ideology. Christians and the church have been key to providing resources and open arms to vulnerable children for hundreds of years. The earliest orphanages in North America were created by dedicated Christian groups, and these faithful people continue to lead the way today. Yet, some state officials now reject Christian and other religious families—forcing children to wait longer for a loving home—because they disagree with the ...
  • Parents who want to adopt shouldn’t face discrimination for their deeply held Christian beliefs. They shouldn’t be denied access to available government opportunities because of their faith. Yet that’s precisely what’s happening to Jessica Bates—a mother of five who is seeking to adopt and care for a sibling pair. Oregon is flat-out rejecting Jessica’s application for failing to “meet the adoption home standards.” In other words, she won’t tell boys they can be girls and girls they can be boys, take children to events like Pride parades, or facilitate a child’s access to potentially ...
  • There are growing threats to those who serve Jesus. Opponents of freedom are trying to silence those who speak and live consistent with the Christian faith—here in America and around the world. Jessica Bates, a mother of five in Oregon, was denied the opportunity to adopt due to her Christian convictions. The state of Washington is trying to force a Christian organization to hire people who don’t share the ministry’s faith. And just recently, news broke that the federal government has labeled Christian and conservative organizations, including Alliance Defending Freedom, to be "domestic ...
  • There are growing threats to those who serve Jesus. Opponents of freedom are trying to silence those who speak and live consistent with the Christian faith—here in America and around the world. Jessica Bates, a mother of five in Oregon, was denied the opportunity to adopt due to her Christian convictions. The state of Washington is trying to force a Christian organization to hire people who don’t share the ministry’s faith. And just recently, news broke that the federal government has labeled Christian and conservative organizations, including Alliance Defending Freedom, to be "domestic ...