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Showing 170 results for "detailspages case details davis v shade"
  • … to all the Ministry Friends who have helped support his case for freedom. Liam is a student at Nichols Middle School … by approving one point of view and silencing his. Liam’s case centers around a critical issue: the freedom of students … with other Ministry Friends helping to fuel his critical case.   Donate Learn More   … WATCH: Liam Couldn’t Defend …
  • … any size? Your gift will help support 71Five Ministries’ case and others like it. This critical case could impact other religious ministries, forcing them to …
  • Parents have a fundamental human right to direct the upbringing of their children. Support ADF Now “Religious liberty may be the most significant civil rights issue of our time, and ADF is the foremost defender of free speech on the frontlines of the fight.” -- Kyle Mann, Editor in Chief, The Babylon Bee Help Defend Parental Rights Although the law recognizes the rights of parents, parental rights are under increasing attack from public school indoctrination, state governments, and even the federal government. Together with like-minded partners, Alliance Defending Freedom (ADF) advocates for ...
  • When Assistant Principal Emily Mais merely questioned the CRT-inspired curriculum that her school was forcing on students, she was ostracized, harassed, shamed, and even called racist. She saw that the “anti-racist” teaching training was actually directing teachers to be racist in seeing their students as members of groups, based on skin color, and treating them differently based on their race. The work environment got so bad that Emily was eventually forced to resign. With her Alliance Defending Freedom attorneys, Emily has sued the school district, which violated her constitutionally ...
  • … day that the Supreme Court announced it would hear Jack’s case, his shop got a phone call. It was an attorney … to stop this coercion. And we’re prepared to take Jack’s case all the way back to the U.S. Supreme Court — if …
  • … freedoms—all the way to the Supreme Court, and labored in case after case to uphold the rights to live out your faith, speak the …
  • The God-given right to free speech protects the freedom to pursue what is true and to share your beliefs with others. And it’s a right that only exists on paper unless we have the true freedom to live it out. But across the country, elites in government, the media, and big tech are compelling people to speak messages that violate their fundamental convictions—or be silent. These powerful elites want to force us to accept—and repeat—the lies that men can become women, that unborn lives don’t matter, and that faith should be kept private. We know the truth, and it’s time to speak up. Alliance ...
  • Alliance Defending Freedom is fighting for Dr. Fox and others like him in the courtroom, but we cannot do it without your support today.
  • … But this is more than just about the DeGross family. This case is part of a stand against all forms of religious …
  • $1 MILLION CHALLENGE GRANT OPPORTUNITY As a concerned citizen who cares about keeping the door open for the Gospel and securing freedom’s future, we bet you feel like you sometimes have to stay quiet about your beliefs ... to self-censor. In this cultural moment, your God-given rights are facing mounting threats from government officials and activists. Religious freedom is being restricted. Free speech is being curtailed. The rights of parents are being ignored. And biological reality—that we are created male or female—is being denied by officials as high as the Biden administration itself ...