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Showing 77 results for "seth morgan"
  • When Assistant Principal Emily Mais merely questioned the CRT-inspired curriculum that her school was forcing on students, she was ostracized, harassed, shamed, and even called racist. She saw that the “anti-racist” teaching training was actually directing teachers to be racist in seeing their students as members of groups, based on skin color, and treating them differently based on their race. The work environment got so bad that Emily was eventually forced to resign. With her Alliance Defending Freedom attorneys, Emily has sued the school district, which violated her constitutionally ...
  • Glynis Gilio serves as legal counsel on the Parental Rights team at Alliance Defending Freedom. Before joining ADF, Gilio contributed to the litigation efforts of numerous public interest law firms including the Institute for Free Speech, Freedom Foundation, Goldwater Institute, and Pacific Legal Foundation. She also completed inaugural fellowships with The Heritage Foundation and The Fund for American Studies. In 2021, the Scharf-Norton Center for Constitutional Litigation recognized Gilio as the John Norton Distinguished Fellow for her excellence and leadership in constitutional litigation ...
  • Suzanne Beecher serves as legal counsel for the Center for Conscience Initiatives at Alliance Defending Freedom. Prior to joining ADF, Beecher was the director of student programs at the Institute for Human Ecology at The Catholic University of America, where she coordinated programs relating to human rights, Catholic social teaching, and civic engagement. Beecher has also served as a civil rights analyst for the Conscience and Religious Freedom Division within the Office for Civil Rights at the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services. Her responsibilities included engaging with ...
  • As the CEO, president, and general counsel of Alliance Defending Freedom, Kristen Waggoner leads the faith-based organization in advancing the God-given right to live and speak the truth in the U.S. and around the world.
  • Despite all the good that pro-life pregnancy care centers like Branches Pregnancy Resource Center do for their community, the State of Vermont has targeted them with a new law. Government officials want to silence their voice and strip them of their ability to serve moms and babies. Why? Because they aren’t on board with the state’s radical abortion agenda. That’s wrong. And it’s unconstitutional. We’re standing with these pregnancy care centers in Vermont in a new lawsuit to protect their right to live and speak the truth. The state should be encouraging more organizations to serve vulnerable ...
  • We need your help! Speak up and support this first-of-its-kind lawsuit challenging the FDA’s reckless approval of harmful chemical abortion drugs. The Biden administration’s FDA even recently updated the rules to make the two chemical abortion drugs even more widely available. When you sign the pledge below and affirm your support to hold the FDA accountable, you’ll immediately get access to an exclusive copy of “Debunking the Abortion Lobby’s Top 5 Lies,” a helpful resource that you can share with friends and family. Thank you for standing with us to protect women and girls from the FDA’s ...
  • Ryan Tucker serves as senior counsel and director of the Center for Christian Ministries with Alliance Defending Freedom.
  • Mark Maddoux is the former president, CEO, and co-founder of the USA Radio Network, vice president and chief financial officer for International Christian Media, and former head of research and development for Gelato of Texas.
  • Matt Sharp serves as senior counsel with Alliance Defending Freedom, where he is the director of the Center for Public Policy.
  • The violation of freedom is no longer an ill-defined threat—it’s happening right in our backyards. Our culture is buying into dangerous lies about the family, life, and what it means to be human—and it’s snowballing quickly. Alliance Defending Freedom’s clients can tell you just how close to home this hits. But it’s through the generosity of people like you that we can stand up for individuals, ministries, and churches whose First Amendment rights are violated by the government. When ministry leaders, pastors, teachers, artists, and parents are told that they aren’t allowed to live and speak ...