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  • The following quote may be attributed to Alliance Defending Freedom Senior Legal Counsel Matt Bowman regarding Wednesday’s federal court order in Trijicon v. Sebelius which temporarily blocks enforcement of the Obama administration’s abortion pill mandate against a Michigan-based family-run business and puts a hold on the case until another similar case is decided: “All Americans, including those who run family businesses, should be free to honor God and live according to their consciences whether they are at home, church, or the workplace. The court order in this case is consistent with what ...
  • The following quote may be attributed to Alliance Defending Freedom Senior Legal Counsel Jeremy Tedesco regarding a federal court ruling in The Children First Foundation v. Fiala, which rejects a pro-adoption group’s application to sponsor a “Choose Life” specialty plate with the New York Department of Motor Vehicles: “Pro-adoption organizations should have the same speech rights as any other organization. While the district court affirmed this basic freedom, the circuit court denied free speech in favor of government censorship. The state doesn’t have the authority to target The Children ...
  • The following quote may be attributed to Alliance Defending Freedom Senior Legal Counsel Matt Bowman regarding a federal district court’s decision Monday in Austin LifeCare v. City of Austin to strike down an Austin, Texas, anti-pregnancy care law that forced pregnancy care centers to post messages that encourage women to go elsewhere: “Political allies of abortionists shouldn’t be allowed to use the law as a tool to attack pregnancy care centers, which offer real help and hope to women. As the district court found, Austin’s ordinance was so vague that it allowed the city dangerous latitude in ...
  • The following quote may be attributed to Alliance Defending Freedom General Counsel Kristen Waggoner regarding the state of Virginia’s decision to change its position at the U.S. Supreme Court from opposing Mississippi’s law protecting life to supporting it in Dobbs v. Jackson Women’s Health Organization: “With Virginia’s decision to reverse its position to support the right of states to protect life, respect women, and preserve the integrity of the medical profession, a majority of U.S. states now say Roe v. Wade was wrongly decided, and that the Supreme Court should reverse its 1973 decision ...
  • The following quote may be attributed to Alliance Defending Freedom Senior Counsel Matt Bowman, director of regulatory practice, regarding a federal district court ruling issued Friday in State of Texas and Mayo Pharmacy v. U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, in which the court affirmed that HHS’s pharmacy abortion guidance can’t require pharmacies to dispense abortion drugs or violate their religious beliefs: “Unelected bureaucrats can’t force Americans to dispense abortion-inducing drugs against their conscience. HHS changed its pharmacy abortion guidance after the court ruled in ...
  • The following quote may be attributed to Alliance Defending Freedom Senior Counsel Denise Burke regarding voter approval Tuesday of Louisiana’s Love Life Amendment, a constitutional amendment foreclosing the possibility that the Louisiana constitution will be interpreted as providing a right to abortion or to state taxpayer funding of the procedure: “Louisiana voters have reaffirmed that every innocent human life—whether born or not—is worthy of legal protection and clarified that no ‘right to abortion’ can be found in their state’s constitution. Unfortunately, state court judges in more than ...
  • The following quote may be attributed to Alliance Defending Freedom Litigation Counsel Catherine Glenn Foster regarding the Obama administration’s decision to drop its opposition to a judge’s order in Tummino v. Hamburg that makes the Plan B abortion-inducing drug available over the counter to young girls without a prescription and without parental notice or consent: “The lives and health of young girls should be more important than the bottom line of those who sell abortion-inducing drugs. President Obama has yet again sided with Planned Parenthood, his favorite political ally and the single ...
  • The following quote may be attributed to Alliance Defending Freedom Senior Counsel Zack Pruitt regarding Virginia Gov. Glenn Youngkin’s signing Monday of HB 970, a bill that protects the private information of individuals who support charities and other nonprofit organizations of their choice: “Every American should be free to peacefully support causes they believe in without fear of harassment or intimidation. HB 970 is an important step in guaranteeing privacy protections for all Virginians in a manner consistent with last year’s U.S. Supreme Court’s decision in Thomas More Law Center v ...
  • The following quote may be attributed to Alliance Defending Freedom Senior Counsel Austin R. Nimocks regarding the California Supreme Court’s decision Wednesday in Hollingsworth v. O’Connell to deny the petition to uphold the state’s voter-approved marriage amendment: “Elected officials should enforce the law. Though the current California officials are unwilling to enforce the state constitution, we remain hopeful that one day Californians will elect officials who will. It is unfortunate that the California Supreme Court chose not to decide the important, still-unresolved questions about the ...
  • The following quote may be attributed to Alliance Defending Freedom Senior Counsel Matt Bowman regarding the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services’ proposed rule to remove conscience protections for medical professionals, undoing a Trump administration rule that protected doctors, nurses, and other health care workers to provide care in a manner consistent with their religious and ethical beliefs: “No American should be forced to violate their ethical and religious beliefs. Doctors, nurses, and other medical providers should enjoy this same constitutional protection, free to live and ...