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Showing 2232 results for "health care professionals states have valid interest commonsense limits abortion"
  • City agrees to preliminary court order while ADF lawsuit continues
  • Alliance Defending Freedom is dedicated to keeping the door open for the Gospel and preserving freedom for future generations. This work isn’t possible apart from prayer. Join ADF in prayer for freedom’s future by signing up to receive monthly prayer updates on legal cases and issues that will impact freedom for all. Sign up today and you will receive: Monthly prayer update in your inbox Praise reports on victories Ways to pray for key cases And, of course, you can update your email preferences at any time. Thank you for joining us in prayer!
  • City must allow people to share their faith at ‘Tour of Lights’ event
  • ADF files suit against city of Port St. Lucie for zoning out church
  • Court struck down unconstitutional fee scheme but allowed Southeastern La. Univ. to maintain other problematic regulations
  • “There are a handful of groups doing great work. Alliance Defending Freedom is one of them.” - Dennis Prager Our freedoms are under increasing threat. That’s why we are standing together to defend our God-given rights and liberties. Your tax-deductible gift of $50 or more will help Alliance Defending Freedom take on cases large and small that advocate for your right to live and speak the truth. And your year-end gift will help us meet a crucial budget goal of $11.7 million before December 31. Ready to take your generosity to the next level? Please consider making your gift a monthly commitment ...
  • ADF CEO, President and General Counsel Kristen Waggoner celebrates with supporters after arguing before the U.S. Supreme Court – where ADF has won 15 victories in the last 12 years! Our freedoms are under increasing threat. That’s why we are standing together to defend our God-given rights and liberties. Your tax-deductible gift of $50 or more will help Alliance Defending Freedom take on cases large and small that advocate for your right to live and speak the truth. And your year-end gift will help us meet a crucial budget goal of $11.7 million before December 31. Ready to take ...
  • ADF attorneys available for media interviews prior to, following hearing Thursday
  • The following quote may be attributed to Alliance Defending Freedom Senior Counsel David Cortman regarding the U.S. Supreme Court’s 5-4 decision Friday declining to immediately halt enforcement of Nevada Gov. Steve Sisolak’s discriminatory restrictions on churches during the coronavirus pandemic: “The First Amendment requires the government to treat religious organizations, at a minimum, the same as comparable secular organizations. When the government treats churches worse than casinos, gyms, and indoor amusement parks in its COVID-19 response, it clearly violates the Constitution. As ...
  • The violation of freedom is no longer an ill-defined threat—it’s happening right in our backyards. Our culture is buying into dangerous lies about the family, life, and what it means to be human—and it’s snowballing quickly. Alliance Defending Freedom’s clients can tell you just how close to home this hits. But it’s through the generosity of people like you that we can stand up for individuals, ministries, and churches whose First Amendment rights are violated by the government. When ministry leaders, pastors, teachers, artists, and parents are told that they aren’t allowed to live and speak ...