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Showing 2157 results for "adf letter prompts indianapolis marion county issue new order no longer targets"
  • Get your copy of The First Amendment: 3 Myths & 3 Facts now and be prepared to effectively defend free speech in conversations with friends and family.
  • The Biden administration is trying to mandate gender identity ideology on Christian college campuses.
  • … send a message, loud and clear: government officials have no right to dictate hiring practices, compel speech, or …
  • … ADDITIONAL INFORMATION: To schedule an interview, contact ADF Deputy Director of Media Relations AnnMarie Pariseau at … ADDITIONAL INFORMATION: To schedule an interview, contact ADF Deputy Director of Media Relations AnnMarie Pariseau at …
  • When Assistant Principal Emily Mais merely questioned the CRT-inspired curriculum that her school was forcing on students, she was ostracized, harassed, shamed, and even called racist. She saw that the “anti-racist” teaching training was actually directing teachers to be racist in seeing their students as members of groups, based on skin color, and treating them differently based on their race. The work environment got so bad that Emily was eventually forced to resign. With her Alliance Defending Freedom attorneys, Emily has sued the school district, which violated her constitutionally ...
  • The following quote may be attributed to Alliance Defending Freedom Legal Counsel Greg Chafuen regarding the Religion Is Essential Act, which became law Wednesday. HB 1211, sponsored by Rep. Mary Bentley, ensures that churches and other religious organizations are allowed to remain open during a state of emergency on the same terms as businesses and other secular services: “While public officials have the authority and responsibility to protect public health and safety, the First Amendment prohibits the government from treating houses of worship and religious organizations worse than ...
  • Help fuel our ability to defend your religious freedom rights DONATE NOW The College of the Ozarks is a religious school in Missouri that aims to provide a Christian education to all its students. The school wants to develop citizens of Christ-like character who are well-educated, hard-working, and patriotic. But a Biden administration policy would FORCE religious schools like College of the Ozarks to open their dormitories—including shared shower spaces—to members of the opposite sex, even if it violates their beliefs. The college is taking a stand to say: The government doesn’t belong in our ...
  • It’s costly to tell the truth today. It can cost you your reputation, your livelihood, and even your friends and family. But far greater is the cost of not standing up to these lies—especially in America’s schools. When the government shuts down speech, it teaches the next generation what is and isn’t acceptable to say. When the government hides critical information from parents, it drives a wedge between parents and their children—and leaves kids vulnerable to damaging lies. When the government bows to the idea that speech and ideas can be violence, it teaches our future leaders to choose ...
  • College of the Ozarks is facing anti-religious hostility from the Biden administration, simply for standing firm on their beliefs concerning marriage and sexuality.
  • Right now, government officials here and around the world are trying to make faith a private matter. Under this worldview, beliefs—including historic Christian beliefs—that the state doesn’t like must be silenced. This is wrong. It violates the God-given dignity of every human being. And you can help do something about it. Your gift today is critical. The generosity of people like you will help protect your right to raise your family, live out your beliefs, and express your faith—without fear of government punishment. Whatever you give will be combined with a special $500,000 challenge grant ...