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Showing 1950 results for "ohio school district stop feds depriving special needs underprivileged children"
  • The following quote may be attributed to Alliance Defending Freedom Legal Counsel Greg Chafuen regarding Gov. Eric Holcomb’s signing Thursday of SB 263, a bill sponsored by Sens. Eric Koch, Liz Brown, and Aaron Freeman that ensures churches and other religious organizations are allowed to remain open during a state of emergency on the same terms as other businesses and services: “Houses of worship and religious organizations provide soul-sustaining operations that are essential to our society and protected by the First Amendment. While public officials have the authority and responsibility to ...
  • Former Atlanta Fire Chief Kelvin Cochran knows what it means to face the fire—both literal flames and the rising tide of threats to freedom of speech and religious liberty. Despite his sterling credentials—Cochran once held the nation’s highest firefighting role as U.S. Fire Administrator for the United States Fire Administration—he was fired from his position as Atlanta’s fire chief. Why? Because the government didn’t approve of his message about biblical marriage and sexuality that he included in a brief passage in a self-published book he wrote. We stood with Chief Cochran, and after years ...
  • The Biden administration is wreaking havoc on Title IX. Title IX was passed in 1972 to protect equal opportunities for women, not harm them. Now, the administration has issued a radical change that redefines “sex” in federal law to include “gender identity.” This means that “sex,” under federal law, would be based on how someone identifies, not biological reality. These changes gut equal opportunities for women, erode student privacy, and threaten women’s sports and safety. The Biden administration claims that this radical change won’t affect women’s opportunities. But the government can’t ...
  • The Biden administration is wreaking havoc on Title IX. Title IX was passed in 1972 to protect equal opportunities for women, not harm them. Now, the administration has issued a radical change that redefines “sex” in federal law to include “gender identity.” This means that “sex,” under federal law, would be based on how someone identifies, not biological reality. These changes gut equal opportunities for women, erode student privacy, and threaten women’s sports and safety. The Biden administration claims that this radical change won’t affect women’s opportunities. But the government can’t ...
  • Your gift right now will help defend free speech in crucial cases where your right to free speech is at risk.
  • ADF attorneys represent Conestoga Wood Specialties in major win for freedom
  • The following quote may be attributed to Alliance Defending Freedom Senior Counsel and Vice President of Appellate Advocacy John Bursch regarding a friend-of-the-court brief ADF attorneys filed with the U.S. Supreme Court Thursday in Missouri Department of Corrections v. Finney, in which three prospective jurors were dismissed because of their religious beliefs: “American society has no place for religious tests for civic duty. What happened in Missouri is egregiously wrong and extremely troubling. Even though the prospective jurors made it clear that they would adhere to the law and judge ...
  • ADF-allied attorney seeks full disclosure of state funding under right-to-know law
  • The following quote may be attributed to Alliance Defending Freedom Senior Counsel and Vice President of Appellate Advocacy John Bursch, regarding a friend-of-the-court brief ADF attorneys filed Thursday with the U.S. Supreme Court urging it to hear Vitagliano v. County of Westchester, which centers on a devout Catholic occupational therapist challenging a New York county law that suppresses her First Amendment right to engage peacefully in sidewalk counseling with women considering an abortion: “Government officials shouldn’t have a free pass to silence speech in public places. The U.S ...
  • Court says administration can’t force organization, its employees to act contrary to their own pro-life beliefs