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Showing 2174 results for "9th circuit rules hhs can withhold title x taxpayer money abortion programs"
  • Every generation has a battle to fight. And today, we face an unprecedented challenge. Our culture has rejected the very foundations on which our liberty was built. And that leaves your freedoms under threat. That’s why courageous people who are willing to stand firm come to Alliance Defending Freedom for help. Through the generosity of people like you, we protect their God-given rights—and yours—in courtrooms and legislatures around the country and across the world. If you want to support the work of ADF through a non-cash gift, please use the form below to begin the process. You will receive ...
  • The following quote may be attributed to Alliance Defending Freedom Senior Counsel Matt Sharp, director of the ADF Center for Legislative Advocacy, regarding the Ohio Senate’s override Wednesday of Gov. Mike DeWine’s veto of H.B. 68, the Saving Ohio Adolescents from Experimentation Act, legislation designed to protect children from the administration of puberty blockers, cross-sex hormones, and identity-driven surgeries. The bill includes the Save Women’s Sports Act, which protects single-sex teams and sports at schools, state institutions of education, and private colleges. The Ohio House of ...
  • The following quote may be attributed to Alliance Defending Freedom Senior Counsel Matt Sharp, director of the ADF Center for Legislative Advocacy, regarding the Ohio House of Representative’s override Wednesday of Gov. Mike DeWine’s veto of H.B. 68, the Saving Ohio Adolescents from Experimentation Act, legislation designed to protect parents and children from the administration of puberty blockers, cross-sex hormones, and identity-driven surgeries for minors. The bill includes the Save Women’s Sports Act, which requires single-sex teams and sports at schools, state institutions of education ...
  • Every generation has a battle to fight. And today, we face an unprecedented challenge. Our culture has rejected the very foundations on which our liberty was built. And that leaves your freedoms under threat. That’s why courageous people who are willing to stand firm come to Alliance Defending Freedom for help. Through the generosity of people like you, we protect their God-given rights—and yours—in courtrooms and legislatures around the country and across the world. If you want to support the work of ADF through a gift of cryptocurrency, please use the form below to begin the process of ...
  • ADF attorneys represent two female athletes who support law, oppose ACLU lawsuit that seeks to deny opportunities to women, girls
  • Gender theory is harming children and poisoning our culture. It’s just that simple. From the classrooms to the playing fields to adoption policy, gender theory seeks to distort the clear truth and is undermining one of the most foundational realities of what it means to be human: the fact that we are each created male or female. Alliance Defending Freedom is on the front lines, pushing back against gender theory in the culture and in the courtroom. We’re challenging policies like “gender transition” plans that mislead and deceive parents about the care of their children. And policies that ...
  • States warn major proxy advisors to respect shareholders seeking to hold financial institutions accountable for rise in politically, religiously motivated de-banking
  • From all of us at Alliance Defending Freedom, thank you.
  • Members of Congress sign letter in support of Päivi Räsänen, call for Finland to uphold freedom of expression
  • Alliance Defending Freedom is the world’s largest legal ministry committed to advancing the God-given right to live and speak the truth. We are honored to call Cameron and his family friends of our ministry. Their support, along with that of many others, helps fuel our efforts to protect religious freedom, free speech, the sanctity of human life, parental rights, and God’s design for marriage and family—in courtrooms and legislatures across the country and around the world. Your tax-deductible gift in memory of Cameron will help keep the doors open for the Gospel as we challenge unjust laws on ...