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Showing 55 results for "seth morgan"
  • The Southern Poverty Law Center (SPLC) has degenerated into a discredited and scandal-ridden racket that its own employee described as “a highly profitable scam.” Here are the top facts that the SPLC doesn’t want you to know.
  • Many Americans don’t understand what true religious freedom is. Download our short and free guide—Religious Freedom: 3 Myths & 3 Facts—today.
  • At ADF, we work daily to provide a strong legal defense for your religious freedom, the sanctity of life, free speech, and marriage and family in America.
  • We hope you will be encouraged by the difference you are making for free speech across our great nation.
  • Alliance Defending Freedom is an alliance-building legal organization that advocates for the right of people to freely live out their faith.
  • Alliance Defending Freedom has played various roles in over 74 U.S. Supreme Court decisions. Launched in 1994, ADF continues today to fight for your freedoms.
  • Alliance Defending Freedom Allied Attorney Network Frequently Asked Questions
  • ADF is the world's largest legal organization committed to protecting religious freedom, free speech, the sanctity of life, parental rights, and God's design for marriage and family.