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Showing 121 results for "detailspages press release details christian club sues uc hastings over membership policy"
  • … and coerce those who speak and live consistent with the Christian faith—here in America and around the world. It's …
  • … and coerce those who speak and live consistent with the Christian faith—here in America and around the world. It's …
  • Sign up and download your copy The freedoms of educators and students are increasingly threatened. Why? Because government officials are silencing speech that the government disagrees with and punishing Americans for engaging in honest discussion and debate. Some policies seek to compel educators or students to express messages that aren’t true. These unlawful directives force educators to deceive and mislead parents and students to avoid plain truths when talking with each other. But don’t educators and students have the right to live and speak the truth—without fear of punishment? Or do ...
  • Hi, my name is Maggie DeJong, and as a former client of Alliance Defending Freedom, I wanted to personally thank you for your support and prayers. When I was in graduate school, my university tried to silence and punish me for sharing my beliefs. I knew this was wrong. And I didn’t want what happened to me to happen to anyone else. So, I reached out to ADF, and because of your generosity, they were able to defend me. And I won. Now, the university has revised its policies to provide more protections for students. And officials in my program have undergone ADF-provided First Amendment training ...
  • … her private thoughts that were prohibited. This Orwellian policy simply cannot be allowed to stand. Imagine the …
  • … and coerce those who speak and live consistent with the Christian faith—here in America and across the globe. It's …
  • Parents have the responsibility to direct their children’s upbringing. But today, tragically, some government officials are intentionally undercutting the important role of mothers and fathers in their children’s lives. And in one of the most egregious examples of this, there are school districts across the country that advance the idea that gender is socially constructed and that it can be chosen and changed. This flatly contradicts the Bible’s teaching and obvious biological truth. This lie is causing real-world harm, as school districts enable and sometimes coerce teachers and school ...
  • … is taking away lunch money from low-income kids who attend Christian schools like Dayspring Christian Learning Center in El Cajon, CA. Why? Because their … to stop using kids and their lunches as leverage to FORCE Christian schools to abandon their beliefs. Schools like …
  • No parent should be kept in the dark about what’s happening with their child at school. And no teacher should be forced to comply with mandates from gender activists forcing them to violate their beliefs. But that’s what’s happening in school districts across the country. Stand with parents who are defending their rights to raise their children according to their beliefs, and with teachers and staff willing to speak the truth to activist school officials in places like Virginia’s Harrisonburg City Public Schools (HCPS). Alliance Defending Freedom is standing with these brave parents and ...
  • … abandon their faith-based admission standards. Example: A Christian school may not be allowed to require students to …